Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 25 Do you want to see a harem in Warhammer 40K?

Many people may think that what follows is a cliche part where the male protagonist acquires the female protagonist, but no, they are overthinking it.

This is Warhammer 40K. When you think Godzilla will take women, it means you don’t understand Warhammer 40K and you don’t understand Godzilla.

In this distant and dark 40th millennium, everything will develop beyond your imagination.

Just like it is now.

Slaanesh has set his sights on this planet.

She longed to see these primitive and savage lizardmen torturing the Dark Eldar, bringing endless pleasure and pain. After the Dark Eldar died, they would absorb the other person's soul and provide her with pleasure that she had never experienced before. .

By the way, Lizardmen should have two, right? They are lizards after all.

However, things did not go as he expected.

Isis stood high up in the temple, probably on a balcony.


She shouted loudly, and her voice spread everywhere with the spiritual energy.

The lizard people looked towards the top of the temple, and even Godzilla stood in the distance and looked away.

"Today, under the leadership of my god Godzilla, we achieved the first victory of the big plan!"

The lizardmen shouted excitedly below the temple, holding up the blood-stained weapons in their hands.

The heads of Tau and Dark Eldar are still stuck on the wooden stakes around the temple, and their blood has long been drained.

"This is not the end, this is just the beginning. My god Godzilla's big plan has just taken the first step. Under the leadership of my god Godzilla, we will start an expedition!!!"

"Expedition! Expedition! Expedition!!!"

The lizard people's blood is cold, but their hearts are hot now.

The fighting spirit they are exuding now makes people wonder whether they are a gentle race. Their appearance is exactly the same as the green-skinned orcs. It is not surprising if they shout WAAAGH the next second.

"For the big plan!"

"Give victory to Godzilla!"


The lizard people were excited and excited. Even Thoros, the Divine Blessing Warrior, was excited and eager for a hearty new battle.

"Offer sacrifices to my god Godzilla!"

The tip of Isis's tail flicked, and Isa, who was just lucky to have escaped, felt her head spinning. During the rotation, she could still see her headless body standing next to Isis.


Isa's head fell into the hatching tank.

‘I’m dead. ’

Now, even Slaanesh was dumbfounded.

Her screams suddenly echoed throughout the palace of the Prince of Pleasure.

Anyone who is familiar with the Four Gods of Chaos knows that the relationship between the Four Gods of Chaos is not good. Here we can probably sort out their relationship.

First of all, Nurgle has a very good relationship with the evil gods except Tzeentch. After all, he is a loving father, but he does not like Tzeentch because Tzeentch once sent an unlucky thing to his garden, causing his garden to combustion.

Khorne doesn't like Slaanesh and Tzeentch for the simple reason that they aren't close enough.

Slaanesh also doesn't like Khorne, but likes Tzeentch and Nurgle, probably because they have a lot in common and like to have fun.

In the end, Tzeentch likes everyone equally, but we all know that Tzeentch doesn't like everyone either.

Therefore, this can also explain why this scene that made Khorne watch and made the Prince of Joy scream.

After hearing the scream, the demons of Slaanesh, who were enjoying endless pleasure and pain, pushed away their maids or attendants, because they knew they had a job to do.

A secret-keeper demon even stood up from his luxurious throne filled with alluring fragrance. He raised his arms like crab claws and began to gather his troops.

This is Slaanesh's will.

Offer pain and pleasure to Slaanesh!


In the world of Warhammer 40,000, emotion is a sharp sword.

Don't let emotions influence your judgment. This is one of the principles that Warhammer 40K time travelers must master.

In other worlds, you can have a harem at will, but in the world of Warhammer 40K, if you think about having a harem, you will most likely end up becoming the harem of Slaanesh.

Godzilla knows that too.

‘I said she introduced a Dark Eldar. I thought it was that kind of plot, but it turned out to be a sacrifice. It’s okay. ’

[What are you thinking? You didn’t set reproductive organs for the lizard people. 】

'I wonder how cool the asexual setting is. Just like the green-skinned orcs, what kind of porn is there in Warhammer 40K? If you want to do porn, you should go to Xingyue next door. They are born in butter. ’

Godzilla looked at the excited lizard man, and at the same time, he remembered something.

‘Mission, mission! ’

Godzilla looked at his system interface. He had completed the task and should have 200 points now.

200 points are lying in the points list in the mall.

‘Phew, now you feel comfortable, let’s see what products can be exchanged for. Let’s go straight to the Legendary Godzilla or the Final Godzilla. ’

However, you definitely can’t afford Legendary Godzilla and Final Godzilla.

Jumping directly from the 50-meter level to the 100-meter level Godzilla is obviously a huge improvement. Godzilla's current 200 points can only be exchanged for other forms of the 50-meter level, or for other skills.


Godzilla was thinking whether to save points or just use them all.

‘It’s not a big improvement. ’

[The difficulty of this mission is not high, so the improvement is naturally not big. 】

‘That’s right, fighting a Tau is considered a graduation battle? It would be embarrassing for me to tell you. ’

Others start by fighting Demon and Space Commander. Godzilla starts by fighting Titanium Lord. Others say hello, "Hey, the devil you fight today is Space Commander, oh, you fight Titanium Lord."

I'm too embarrassed to speak when I go out.

‘Are there any places where the fighting is fierce? ’

[Yes, Abaddon's Thirteenth Black Crusade is about to begin, and he will open a webway gate to Cadia. 】

‘Fuck! ’

Cadia, anyone who is familiar with Warhammer knows the intensity of the battle. Most people who are not familiar with Warhammer have heard the story of the Cadian Army. Many people got into Warhammer because of the story of the Cadian Army.

‘That’s too cruel, too cruel. That’s not a place I can go to now. ’

It’s not that Godzilla is cowardly, Godzilla remembers the battle in Cadia and the Titans were everywhere! ! !

There are also the Blackstone Fortress and the Phalanx. The Blackstone Fortress finally hit the planet Cadia. If it hit Godzilla now, Godzilla would feel that he couldn't bear it.

That thing is so big, hundreds of kilometers long.

‘Change it, change it. ’

[There is an invasion of Chaos Space Marines near the home planet of Ultramar, Ultramar. They are the Chaos Space Marines who provided cover for Abaddon in the Thirteenth Black Crusade. This is okay. 】

‘That’s okay. It’s a bit exaggerated to start the Battle of Cadia right now. However, the Thirteenth Black Crusade is about to begin, which means that Guilliman is about to be resurrected and the Lion King is about to return. ’

[That’s it, wait a few days, and the gate to the Webway will open. 】

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