From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 85, Greedy Rats

In the end, the temple envoy accepted the wild boar cook, and Sheng Qi also successfully obtained grace.

Even though the grace time is not enough.

But in the end, he breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head in front of the small temple, and prayed devoutly to the small temple and to the great god.

But in the end the problem was still not solved.

No matter it's a fabricated story, or even though he's been given a break, he's still a slave who has to be handed over.

These problems are easy to solve, as long as Shengqi can catch enough slaves.

As long as the share can be replenished, as long as there is still a surplus after replenishing the share, everything will be fine. Even if the fabricated story may be exposed, as long as there are surplus slaves to give to the temple messengers.

Then nothing will be a problem.

How could he not know how that old guy got the opportunity to establish another slave-catching team? Wasn't it just by giving enough satisfying gifts to the temple messengers!

And I don’t think it’s easy to expose this story.

So now the question arises, where to get enough slaves?

This problem is difficult, after all, there is nothing left in the forest except those quilboars, who are quite difficult to deal with.

Sheng Qi fell into troubled thinking.

Until some unlucky guys who share the same problem with him gathered together.

He stopped and looked at the young rat-man priests who had surrounded him in a circle in front of him, among those unlucky ones who had also become the temporary captain of the slave-catching team.

An idea appeared in Sheng Qi's mind.

But it wasn't enough. He had just seen the combat effectiveness of his slave-catching team not long ago. Those guys were simply not worthy of trust, even if they gathered in groups.

Do you still have a choice?

etc! It seems like there are options!

He thought of an army of ratmen temporarily stationed in an outpost that was temporarily unmanaged.

Okay, everything is connected.

In the sudden joy, the young rat-man priest who was covered in cold sweat just now and almost unsteady when standing had an exaggerated smile on his face.

He raised his arms toward his colleagues gathered in front of him.

"I think you all want to know how I did it! I have to admit that although the process was very difficult, I succeeded, and you still have no clue!"

In that exaggerated smile.

"I can help you now! All it takes is a little cooperation, but I don't know what you will choose!"

The young rat priest once again chose to make a bold decision without hesitation.

He got good results in two consecutive gambles, which greatly strengthened his courage.

Unknowingly, a little greed appeared in his eyes, and was cast towards the rat priests in front of him who were looking at each other.

Now, a bold and crazy idea emerged. He only needed to gather these poor unlucky people in front of him as bargaining chips, and then weave a little lie, and then he could win a big vote.


Underground Rat City.

Shu Zhan suddenly sneezed hard and raised his head suspiciously to peek around.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt a little unhappy, as if his belongings were being targeted by that despicable guy.

This made Shu Zhan inexplicably a little more suspicious.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I never thought there was anything wrong.

Recently, Rat Zhan feels that he is quite lucky because of the sudden war launched by the wild boar people.

If there are no accidents, once the White Rat takes care of his temple priest group, the third divine war will begin.

It seems that this guy White Rat is also awkward. He is not a good high priest. He insists on setting up some kind of temple priest group, and some members vote to decide the rat people event.

It's really unnecessary. As long as this old guy doesn't die, does anyone dare to question whether the Ratman Kingdom really has what he wants to do?

You have to do something like this.

I don't understand, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, he is also a member of the priest group of the temple, and he is only half a rat man than the old guy White Rat. That old guy can count the votes of two priests, and he counts one and a half.

With the addition of the three younger brothers, there are now four half-rat priests.

This made Rat War happy.

He didn't feel that there was only half a rat priest between him and the white rat.

But in this priest group, he and a younger brother can surpass the white rat and half the rat man priest.

Although until now, Rat Zhan still feels that White Rat is messing around.

But this did not prevent him from agreeing to the rat priesthood that had not yet been established.

It’s a good thing!

And it can be even better. In this oncoming war, Shu Zhan saw an opportunity. Looking at the entire Skaven Kingdom now, Shu Zhan felt that he was the only one who could command the God War.

So since the White Rat must fight against the Wild Boar Man by himself, shouldn't he deserve more?

Out of that instinctive greed, Rat Zhan decided to use the war as a bargaining chip and ask for more from White Rat, although he still hasn't figured out what the so-called voting resolution is for.

But this did not prevent him from being keenly aware of the importance of the priest's seat in the temple.

He needs more seats, and when the war comes, his identity as the only rat warlord, and the 20,000 rat warriors he brought back from the wetlands.

These are his bargaining chips.

Although 20,000 rat warriors are not many, Shu Zhan is confident that as long as White Rat is willing to allocate a large number of young rat warriors to him, he can rely on the 20,000 rat warriors as a skeleton to quickly build a team that is better than the second-largest team. The second Skaven Expeditionary Force also had a huge Skaven army.

Even though the combat effectiveness of this army will definitely decrease due to the large number of young ratmen.

But it is backed by barren mountains.

Just relying on the constant supply of young rat men, Shu Zhan felt that he could kill the group of wild boar men in a pile.

Therefore, regarding the invasion of the wild boar people, the rat war is undoubtedly the most exciting one in the underground rat city, compared to the rat priests who focus on the intrigues for the priests' seats in the temple.

The Rat War not only sent a Skaven warlord to the outpost to mobilize the Guards, but also left him an order to collect intelligence on the quilboars.

Everything is so beautiful for the current rat war.

In fact, his judgment was not wrong. He is indeed the only one in the current Ratman Empire who has the ability to command a large army, but this does not mean that there are no variables.

What he may not know is that the rat army he left behind at the outpost, which is currently the biggest bargaining chip in the rat war, has recently been targeted by a daring boy.

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