From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 74, Dark Blade

Soon, the rat warlord under the command of Shu Zhan lifted up the two guys who were tied like rice dumplings and happily set off towards the temple.

Not long after, he appeared outside the temple again with an annoyed look on his face.

Bai Shu didn't agree to cancel the phalanx, or Shu Zhan didn't dare to mention it. After sending these two unlucky guys up, Shu Zhan was hesitant and speechless.

Looks like he's going to have to bring in a bodyguard, damn, he hates phalanxes.

Rat Zhan was very upset.

As for those two unlucky guys, Shu Zhan didn't pay attention at all. The old guy wanted to bewitch him as soon as he came in. It's a joke. If the rebellion is so easy to succeed, then how can the long tail who has been in charge of logistics for so many years be fooled? That’s it.

These guys still want to use themselves as backers. How can Shu Zhan, who thinks he is a smart mouse, be fooled by this?

The decisive step is to tie up the stupid rat priest and the young but equally stupid rat warlord and send them directly to the white rat.

But Rat War still has to worry about that damn stupid phalanx.

Rat Zhan left with a sad look on his face.

Soon after, a special group of rat warriors filed out of the temple and disappeared into this huge and chaotic underground city along the complex network of tunnels.

Obviously, a brutal purge began in advance.


Soon after, a large number of priests were suddenly arrested. Those special rat warriors, as large as the May 1st team, targeted and captured every rat priest who was related to this rebellion that was still brewing.

No matter where these rat priests were hiding, or whether they were surrounded by a rat army at this time, they all got the same result.

Those once noble rat-man priests were now bound by long ropes like slave rats, and were escorted to the temple of the rat-man in a slow procession.

This journey was not peaceful, and even a group of rat-man temple guards were involved in the turmoil and launched a rescue operation for the rat-man priests who were strung together.

In the dark tunnel

A group of rat priests staggered forward with terrified expressions.

Among them, the rat priest who was tied up first kept making various promises while begging.

Blood mushrooms, positions, sacrifices, and maybe more, all were thrown out as if they were free of charge.

These were nothing to him in the past. One day ago, he was still in the temple, in front of the great altar of the gods, a senior ratman priest responsible for presiding over the sacred sacrificial ceremony.

What an honor this is. You must know that one of the biggest wishes of the Great Claw Priest who was born in that barren mountain outpost is to come to the center of this prosperous underground city and face the great God in the temple. Kneel down and worship the gods devoutly.

He can almost be regarded as the most powerful group of rat priests in the rat empire under the white rats.

But now, he was staggering forward in the tunnel, dragged by the rough rope tied around his neck in a state of embarrassment.

The dappled light from the rough yellowed candles in the tunnel hit his face, reflecting an expression of fear and fear.

It didn't look like the expression that a big man who once wielded huge power should have, a frightened rat.

Along the way, when the passing ratmen saw this scene, they all hurriedly moved away, fearing that they would have anything to do with this once aloof priest.

In a hurry, a rat man took a wrong step and stepped into a dark shadow.

The next second, the rat man fell softly to the ground, and a shallow blood mark appeared on his neck. The rat man who did not die on the spot wanted to make some noise, but the rat man was cut open and kept leaking. His angry throat made him only able to make a weak whine.

In the shadow where he accidentally stepped, a rat man appeared from the darkness, kicked the poor guy away, and then disappeared into the shadow again.

The rat troops sent by the White Rat this time were extremely special. They had never even shown a trace in the rat empire before.

But this is their first appearance, but it is undoubtedly a real big scene.

This special group of ratmen did not use the spears used by ordinary ratmen warriors, or even the most elite temple guards in the ratman kingdom.

The short dagger was painted black and used as a weapon, making it very easy to hide. The weak body was not covered with any armor, and it simply relied on its dexterity to move around in the attack.

When a captured rat priest was attacked, there were a large number of slave rats around him. However, those slave rats did not even react. They were broken through by these mysterious rat warriors and easily killed the rat. The priest captured him.

Moreover, this special group of rat warriors are not afraid of the madness spell. Whether it is the madness aura or the killing aura, even if it is applied to these guys, it will not show any effect.

They are also extremely good at running in the dark.

It is no longer appropriate to call these guys warriors. These are undoubtedly a group of real assassins, and they are extremely targeted assassins.

The targets they were targeting were obviously not those hateful heretical ethnic groups with hard scales, rough skin, and thick flesh.

Rather, they are a group of guys who don't have very strong melee abilities, are often protected by many people around them, and also have a lot of berserk skills.

Who are these guys?

Undoubtedly, after today, this group of rat assassins will become a existence that all priests in the rat kingdom will worry and fear.

At the same time, their appearance will also calm down the silent ripples that quickly spread among the rat priests because of the white rats' initiative to distribute their rights.

This group of rat assassins will turn into the dark blades in the hands of white rats, publicizing and displaying the silent terror and intimidation, bringing absolute stability on the surface.

At least after this cleaning, all problems will be temporarily settled.

All thoughts that should not be moved must be calmed down, and all actions that should not be taken must be eliminated.

These rat priests who were captured and eventually died or were sacrificed were the best deterrent.

But before that, this group of rat assassins had to solve a minor problem before they could become a qualified Dark Blade.

At some point, a group of temple guards had blocked the end of the tunnel ahead.

Obviously, the power of the once great man had not completely dissipated at this time, and even attracted a group of powerful temple guards who were supposed to be stationed in the temple and did not care about anything other than the great god, and worshiped the god most devoutly.

In fact, theoretically speaking, these temple guards are also sharp blades in the hands of the white rat. As the high priest, the white rat is the supreme leader of all the rat temple guards.

Rat Zhan was selected and dispatched by White Rat from the team of temple guards.

The same goes for this newly revealed group of rat assassins, except that one is in the light and the other is in the dark.

But at this moment, the two were facing each other in a small tunnel.

A pair of red eyes appeared in the darkness of the tunnel and cast their gaze towards the temple guards not far away.

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