From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 27, Sacrifice, Fire

Shortly after the war, the fleeing lizardman army arrived at the edge of the forest and brought incredible news to the lizardman priests stationed here.

As the news spread, riots began.

But the lizardman priests are more or less veterans for many years. For the civilization of the tribal era, there is no doubt that the living old people will not be simple, and simple people will not survive.

Soon, a grand sacrifice began at the edge of the forest.

Through this sad sacrifice, the priest successfully calmed down the panic of the lizard people. At the same time, he completely handed over his faith to Li Sheng during the sacrifice. After losing too much vitality, the lizard people lost their choice of survival. room.

The old wise man chose to entrust the fate of the lizard people to the superior gods.

At the same time, during this sacrifice, Li Sheng, as a god, also designated the next leader of the lizard people, a young lizard man who was the bloodline left by the leader of the lizard people.

A young lizard boy.

But the red light falling from the sky evoked something hidden in the young lizard man's body, and traces of red appeared on his scales.

This scene made all the lizardmen recognize the status of the young leader. It was only after seeing this scene that the lizardman priest truly offered his faith to the gods.

But even if Li Sheng performed a miracle and the lizard people once again elected their leader, the atmosphere of this sacrifice was undoubtedly filled with sadness and sadness.

The lizard warriors who came back lowered their heads and did not even dare to raise their heads. The faces of other lizard warriors who did not participate in the battle were also full of sadness, confusion, and disbelief.

This scene lasted until the newly elected leader of the lizardmen stepped off the altar and stood in front of the lizardmen warriors who did not dare to raise their heads.

And reprimanded loudly!

"My father once told me that our tribe has the most powerful warriors, and I think so too!

But tell me! Will a real warrior look like you now?

Look at how weak you are! Is this what a true warrior should have? Have you forgotten what you should remember most?

tell me! Have you forgotten your hatred? Are you so scared of those rats that you dare not roar? "

In the loud reprimand of this little lizard man, the group of lizard man warriors in front of them who did not dare to raise their heads, in shame and daze, finally came back to their senses because of that simple word.

Because of hatred, one after another the lizard warriors raised their heads again and looked at the little leader in front of them.

Their spirit returned, in that unforgettable hatred.

Not far away, the old lizardman priest looked at the scene in front of him, looking at the small figure, and finally there was a touch of relief in his eyes.

You always have to look forward, as long as you can see hope.

Such a scene not only made the lizard priest happy, but also surprised Li Sheng, who was watching the scene silently from high in the sky.

Because there was a faint light that only gods could see on the little lizard leader.

The heroic light that only belongs to heroes can appear. This light blooms in the world with the declaration of the little lizard man lord.

"My name is Fire! I will lead you to complete your revenge!"

After a sacrificial dance around the bonfire, the lizard people left the edge of the forest and disappeared into the depths of the forest.

At the same time, another sacrifice was also in progress.

Compared with the sad and bleak atmosphere of the lizard people, the atmosphere of the sacrifice in another place is completely opposite.

In the rat man's cave, with the white rat personally offering the head of the lizard man leader, the victory sacrifice reached its climax.

Even though the already sparse rat people seemed somewhat desolate, the blood mushrooms still pushed the fanatical atmosphere of the rat people to the top.

And under the huge sacrifices and fanatical atmosphere that even the underground lake had been filled up to a level, faith values ​​like a tide continued to flow towards Du Yuan.

Two thousand, three thousand, four thousand, Du Yuan's faith value expanded to the point where even the divine stone pillar was full and began to overflow. Fortunately, the faith value that continued to overflow was not wasted, but He was led over by Xiaochun who was clinging to the stone pillar.

Under this huge faith value, Xiaochun also waved the branches happily.

In the end, Du Yuan's faith value was fixed at a number that was beyond the reach of trainee gods, eight thousand.

You must know that for ordinary trainee gods, every point requires careful calculation of faith points, but Du Yuan completed the overflow through only one war, and it was because the divine stone pillars were full. .

Du Yuan was about to start thinking about expanding the storage capacity of the altar.

It has been said that many trainee gods are probably going crazy with jealousy.

However, the issue of altar storage capacity is indeed a problem that needs to be solved for Du Yuan, but Du Yuan suddenly has no easy solution.

Because this thing usually increases slowly as faith continues to wash away the divine altar, generally speaking there will be no shortage.

But before dealing with this problem, Du Yuan had to complete another thing first.

That reward for believers.

The harvest this time is very rich, and Du Yuan is not a stingy god, but it is obvious that he does not have anything particularly good to reward now.

Because he is a poor man.

He doesn't have any of those equipment cards, spell cards, and rare item cards... this.

In distress, Du Yuan suddenly remembered something.

Those life essences that were forcibly taken over by the divine core were temporarily stored by the divine core and released slowly due to Du Yuan's body acceptance rate.

Du Yuan has no way to take out these life essences and sell them for money, but can he use them as rewards through the connection between gods and believers?

If you think of it, do it.

Soon Du Yuan started to communicate with his divine core. Although the divine core was still reluctant, it was still a step ahead compared to Du Yuan's purpose of taking it out and selling it for money.

A bright drop of ruby-like liquid was squeezed out by the divine core, and through the connection between the god and the believer, it was thrown towards the white rat kneeling in front of the altar.

Using an extremely fast speed, Du Yuan did not even take over the process, as fast as if he was guarding against thieves.

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