Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 63 63Society needs such artists! (Seeking for further reading)

Chapter 63 63. Society needs such artists! (Seeking for further reading)

It is true that art knows no borders, and it is also true that art does not make money.

On the morning of the first day of the film festival, there were hundreds of visitors, and more than 20 foreigners came to visit, all of whom were full of praise for Chen Li'an's works.

Nearly a thousand visitors did not bring any income to Chen Li'an.

It’s free, so how can we talk about money in art?


However, you still have to buy tickets to enter the National Art Museum of China. Anyway, Chen Li'an doesn't have a penny. It costs money to hold a film exhibition here. You still want people to give you money?

Just think about it

It doesn't matter if you don't have money, and Chen Li'an doesn't care about that. This film festival has brought Chen Li'an great benefits in other aspects, which cannot be measured by money.

The "Sunset - Forgotten and Deceived" film exhibition, after being on display in the morning and fermenting at noon, ushered in the peak of visitors at two o'clock in the afternoon.

It's just that most of the old people have gone to rest, and the shock brought by the works is far less than that in the morning.

In order for these elderly people to come to this film festival, Chen Li'an also spent a lot of money, including food, accommodation and salary.

For seven consecutive days, I performed a complete performance art with Chen Li'an every morning.

Most of the people who came to visit in the afternoon were students from several major universities. They knew that there was an exhibition here and it was awesome, so they all came over.

The young people coming and going in the exhibition hall are very curious about this film exhibition model and are amazed by each of Chen Li'an's works.

These young people have not yet formed their own complete artistic thoughts, and neither want to accept the past nor know the future. Chen Li'an's works have brought them strong thinking and inspiration.

The connection between art and space is strengthened at this moment, which is different from the installation experiments of the budding apartment art, and also different from the confusion and ridicule of playfulness and political pop.

It is completely different from Dongcun's way of showing the connection with the environment through the expressiveness of the body and self-abuse.

The tension and opposition between art and reality has completely disappeared in Chen Li'an's works, forming a strong contrast with the neoconservatism that is now vaguely forming.

Compared with these young people, some artists who went abroad and returned after experiencing the new wave of 1985 art felt a strong impact on Chen Li'an's film exhibition.

Different from the playfulness and political pop ridicule that avoid reality, Chen Li'an's works closely connect society and reality, and are more intuitive.

Behind the cynicism of the new trend in the 1990s there is a secular mentality. However, this trend is completely invisible in Chen Li'an's works, and it is also different from the continuation of the new trend of 1985 art in those artists who returned from abroad. and reflection.

Chen Li'an has taken a different path from others, a path that seems to be more acceptable to society.

People in the exhibition hall knew that the complete works would be on display tomorrow morning, and they all decided to come and see it again tomorrow!

Several foreign artists and art critics who have been wandering in the exhibition hall really want to find Chen Li'an and have a chat with him. There are even several French artists who want to invite Chen Li'an to exhibit abroad!

These European artists really love Chen Li'an's art form, which allows them to see something completely different from Chinese artists.

It's just that they searched around but couldn't find where Chen Li'an was.

In a rest area of ​​the art museum, Chen Li'an was chatting with several reporters.

There were several reporters from different art magazines, and Chen Li'an couldn't remember the magazine behind each of them.

World art, Chinese writers and artists, popular photography, fine art, portrait photography, etc.

Chen Li'an looked like a lamb surrounded by wolves, trembling.

"Is this film festival your reflection and vigilance on society?"

"Why focus on the elderly group?"

"Are you trying to express that society doesn't pay enough attention to the elderly?"

"Are you criticizing barbaric business practices that persecute and deceive people?"

“How did you come up with the idea of ​​tying photography and installation, um, performance art together?”

Chen Li'an took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. Looking at the reporters and critics in front of him, he felt a little confused.

I seemed to have taken the wrong path. The impact of art magazines or artistic works on society was not enough. It would have been better if I had submitted articles to newspapers at that time.

Surrounded by blue smoke, Chen Li'an pondered for a while. He did not talk about the artistry of his work, but calmly talked about everything he saw during the creation process.

"That day I saw an old man at Yongding Gate wearing wrinkled and old clothes. He didn't look like he had the financial strength to buy health care products, but he still spent more than 60 yuan to buy a few boxes."

Chen Li'an paused and took out a puff of smoke, then laughed at himself and continued: "I had a strong sense of justice at that time, so I ran over to my uncle to return the stuff. It was a lie and had no effect at all."

"Do you know how the old man answered me at that time?"

Several people across from Chen Li'an looked at each other, and then shook their heads at the same time.

Chen Li'an squinted at the dim sky outside the window and said, "The uncle scolded me for being nosy, saying that he knew it was a liar."

"Are you surprised?" Chen Li'an asked back, without giving a few people a chance to speak, and continued: "I was also surprised at the time and asked him why he still bought it when he knew it was a scammer."

Speaking of this, Chen Li'an looked at them with some confusion and sadness and said, "I told you at the time that he was willing to be deceived. At least it would make him look a little bit valuable."

"Isn't it funny? There are many old people who have their own reasons for being willing to be deceived. Some of them want to appease their families, and some of them are afraid of being rejected."

“Almost everyone has their own reasons, both unexpected and reasonable.”

"Why do you think this is happening?"

After Chen Li'an said the last sentence, he put the cigarette butt in the ashtray on the table, stood up, clapped his hands, stretched and said: "Art is not important, it is just a form. I hope you can To pay attention to the story behind the art.”

After saying that, Chen Li'an left, leaving a group of people sitting there staring at the cigarettes on the table in a daze. Their evaluation of Chen Li'an became even higher. He was a very strange artist.

After several people looked at each other, they stood up and walked outside at the same time, to interview other people, to listen to the stories Chen Li'an told, and to publish all of this!

After this exhibition ends, it will surely shock the entire art world! You can’t just be a witness, you have to be a promoter!

Society needs this kind of art!

Zhang Guorong, who had been waiting not far away, saw Chen Li'an coming over. He immediately took off his sunglasses and asked with a smile: "Is the interview over?"

"Well, actually, these interviews are not interesting, and this exhibition is different from my original intention." Chen Li'an thought of the "reasons" and couldn't help but sigh. There were no more criticisms and warnings. Give those old people a chance to realize their self-worth at the end of their lives.

Zhang Guorong didn't quite understand Chen Li'an's thoughts, but he could see Chen Li'an's frustration, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Stop talking, I'm going to starve to death, please invite me to dinner!"

"Okay, how about boiled mutton?"

"Wow, no, I want to eat roast duck."

"Roast duck is too expensive, so just boil beef and mutton!"

"Then I have to call Gong Li and the others!"

"up to you."

I have revised this chapter many times, but I am still not satisfied with it. I am so incompetent.

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