
Simon and Kagura returned home to pack their things. Erza had no luggage at all. Except for a few newly bought clothes, Rosemary Village only had memories for her.

In the evening, they had dinner together, and there was no room at the table. Rose and Laxus each sat on half of the threshold. The two of them occupied the threshold, and it was good to eat while looking at the outside of the village.

At night, on their last night in Rosemary Village, Rose called Erza to the door.

“Erza doesn’t have a last name, does she?” The two looked at the starry sky together.

Erza shook her head in confusion, but she didn’t feel too sad. Although sometimes she felt confused because she didn’t have a last name, Rosemary Village was still quite simple and friendly. Otherwise, Erza and Kagura and the others could not Can’t survive now.

“How about I give you a last name? Berserion. From now on, you will be called Erza Berserion.”

“Berserion? What does it mean?” The breeze caressed Erza’s face. The bangs on her forehead covered her puzzled eyes.

Ross explained: “This is the name of a wise dragon 400 years ago. This dragon devoted his life to seeking the peaceful development of humans and dragons and devoted all his efforts to it. I like it very much.” [It is also

your mother’s surname, and It would be very interesting if Erin knew about it] Ross added silently in his mind.

Irene has maternal love for Erza, and Erza has stayed in Irene’s belly for 400 years. Although because of that scumbag who didn’t even have a name and the feeling of losing her humanity, she once wanted to use additional magic to occupy her. Thoughts about Erza’s body, but as soon as he saw Erza’s smile, he couldn’t do it. In order to stop this dangerous thought, he abandoned Erza in Rosemary Village. “Xianlong, peace? ”

Okay, then my name will be Erza Belserion from now on. “Although it’s strange and she doesn’t know what the connection is, Erza decided to accept it. It’s just a surname. You can call it anything.

“Okay, let’s go in and rest. ” Rose returned to her room.

Erza nodded and went in to find Urrutia and Kagura. She would probably tell them her new last name.

After packing their luggage, they went out and prepared to bid farewell to the village chief. From a distance, they found that the villagers were already standing at the entrance of the village. When

the group arrived at the entrance of the village, Erza and the

others said goodbye to the village chief and the villagers. As they set off, the villagers waved and shouted behind them: “Simon, Erza Sha, Kagura, if you feel homesick in the future, welcome back to Rosemary Village. ”

Because Grandpa Rob was there, the group walked a little slower. Fortunately, the main mode of transportation is the train.

“Is he really okay? Erza pointed at Laxus, who was lying dead beside him.

“It’s okay. I’ll be resurrected with full health when I get off the train. I just fainted in the transportation system.” “Ross waved his hand to tell Erza not to worry.

“It’s finally here. I will never take transportation again. “Laxus didn’t even come to his senses from Magnolia Station to the gate of Magnolia City. His whole face was not good.

After entering from the city gate, he walked slightly around the Cartier Cathedral, and there was the Goblin The group of

people took their luggage to the guild to report that they were safe.

“This is our guild, Fairy Tail. “Standing at the gate, Rose pointed to the plaque that read FAIRY TAIL on the door.

The bustling streets of Magnolia and the guild were all scenery they had never seen before.

“Okay, come in with me. Then Ross opened the door.

“Bang, bang, bang.” “When he opened the door, he saw Gray and Leo fighting in a ball. Lidas was actually drawing them fighting.

[Forget about fighting, why take off your clothes…] Kagura watched helplessly as the silver-haired child’s clothes flew in front of him.

Rose picked it up with quick eyes and hands, then rolled it into a ball and threw it back.

Kana was not seen, Rose was probably taken away by Gildarts, Makao and Wakaba were drinking and watching a show, and Makarov didn’t notice that they didn’t use magic. To stop him, Uru was sitting aside. They had already received news that they would be back today, and they hadn’t seen any new people yet.

As soon as Makarov saw Ross and his group, he stopped Leo and Gray with small fists.

“Uruti Ya. “Uru quickly stepped forward and hugged Urrutia. She hadn’t seen Urrutia in almost half a year. If it hadn’t been for the remote communication magic crystal to contact her, she would have searched all over the world.

“I’m back. , Ulu. “Urutiya was relatively calm and patted Uru’s back.

“Pony. “Rob!” Let’s not mention for the moment that these two people reunited after a long absence, hugged each other, cried and talked to each other…

“Hey, there is a new person.” “Makao and Wakaba saw Erza, Simon and Kagura standing aside, with evil smiles on their faces.

Simon and Kagura were a little scared. Some people looked like they had evil smiles on their faces and they didn’t look like good people. Erza Taking a step forward, he protected Simon and Kagura with his right hand.

Urrutia also left Urru’s arms at this moment, came to Erza, pulled Erza’s arm down, and whispered, “It’s okay. , they just like to joke, they are not bad people. ”

Out of trust in Urrutia, Erza slowly relaxed her vigilance.

“You scared the newcomers. “A big fist appeared above them, like the Sword of Damocles. The two hugged each other and ran around trying to get out of the shadows, but Makarov beat them to the ground. .

Makarov said that you are on the underground level, and I am in the atmosphere.

Makarov could not calm down yet, but he could not be rude in front of the newcomers. He got down from the bar and walked in front of Erza and the others.

“You guys Okay, I am the president Makarov, you can call me grandpa or president. “Makarov raised his right hand to greet them. Makarov saw that Kagura and Simon were a little nervous, but he admired Erza who was standing in front of his companions.

However, he could understand that Kagura was so young. Some people in the guild looked at it. It’s not normal.

Gray and Leo took off their clothes and started fighting when they disagreed…

Macao and Wakaba who smoked and drank all day long and talked about mountains…

“Grandpa, President, I am Erza Bell. Selion. “I am Simon Mikazuki and this is my sister Kagura.

Everyone in the guild also introduced themselves.

“Very good. In order to welcome the three newcomers, and also welcome Rob, Rose, and Laxus home, let’s have a banquet together!” Makarov turned to face the guild members and raised his hand.

“Oh!!!” As Makarov raised his hand, the guild members cheered together. The decibel was loud enough to overthrow the guild, and the sound lasted forever.

Some people started to throw their wine glasses…

“Asshole, where did you throw it!”

“Why did you throw it if there was still wine in your glass?”

“It doesn’t matter, I just won a bet, and Macao will clean the guild for a month. ”


“You don’t do the task!”

Everyone paused for a moment to complain and hug Nobu, who was crying.

“I’m here to welcome you, but they always find reasons to hold banquets every day, so don’t worry about it.” Looking at the people reveling together, Erza and Kagura were dumbfounded. Are they so popular? Rose also explained it to them.

[Are you sure this is a welcome? ] Kagura looked at Rose blankly.

After the banquet in the evening, Simon was temporarily arranged to move into the place rented by Gray and Leo. Leo and Gray had already started working. Some time ago, Makarov really couldn’t stand Gray and Leo arguing in the house all day long. Not only did it affect his rest, but it also affected his neighbors. The key point was that he threw Gray and Leo out.

Laxus followed Makarov back home, but Laxus told Rose that he would be going out to do missions soon. There was a backlog of missions in the guild, and Uru had been helping to deal with them in the past few months. Some, Ross thought that he had to help with some tasks. It was not a good style to just quit for half a year.

Urrutia took Erza and Kagura to the girls’ dormitory and arranged for them to live next to him and Urrutia. For the time being, Erza and Kagura were allowed to live in the same room, and Erza could also take care of Kagura. Le, Rose paid for the rent first, but it probably won’t last long, and Erza will be able to do the mission soon.

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