The two of them got into the business car with expressions of despair, and the staff also got in.

"lets go."

The staff said hello to the driver in front, who immediately started the car.

Su Bai and Bai Lu, both of whom were fast, didn't react and staggered backwards.

Su Bai:......

Bai Lu:...

The driver seemed to be possessed by the car god, and the steering wheel was almost reflective in his hands. It was the first time that Su Bai got motion sickness in a car, and this was not the driver of a commercial car.

Is it so eclectic? How could such a high-end car be so uncomfortable to drive?

This was the first time in his life that Bai Lu felt car sickness, and it was so painful that he felt worse than death. She held on to the seat belt tightly and kept her eyes closed.

She felt that she would feel dizzy if she opened her eyes a little, and she couldn't help but vomit.

She had to hold back, otherwise her image would be ruined. No more.

The staff members were calm, folding their arms and lying quietly on their seats to relax, not affected at all.

However, in fact, they had the same feeling as Su Bai and Bai Lu when they first drove the car. It's better to die.

This is just because I sit too much and I'm forced to accept it.

I don't know why this driver is so enthusiastic about driving. His energy is always around 12 points, even if he drives in the middle of the night, he is still energetic.

Half an hour later, the driver raised his sunglasses and turned towards the handsome people.


Su Bai and Bai Lu swallowed at the same time and got out of the car shakily.

Bai Lian looked at the staff with a complicated expression and hesitated to speak.

"This driver master……"

The staff member touched the tip of his nose and felt a little guilty.

"He has always been like this, we are all used to it, but his driving skills are still very good, don't worry."

Bai Lu stopped talking and followed the staff inside.

The director was already waiting for them in the front hall. He was restless as if his buttocks were on fire. As soon as he saw the two figures, he immediately opened the door and walked out with a smile. meet

"Coming! Come in, come in."25The director walked forward and pulled Su Bai inside, looking very anxious.

"What are your thoughts on the current situation?"

Su Bai spread his hands, looking helpless.

"Director, there is nothing I can do. You should have seen that I am in pain all day long!"

Looking at the overall feeling of today's encounter, calling it a zombie siege is an understatement. It should be that the whole city is full of zombies, and he is the only living person left.

The director wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeves and sighed deeply. breathed a sigh of relief

"If it really doesn't work, why don't you stay in the hut? Maybe you can find another place."

Su Bai blinked, picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

"Where else to go? Tui, this tea is very fragrant."

Where can he go to another place? His photography brother followed him all the way home, and he will probably be found soon.

He has nowhere to go but home. Could it be that he is sleeping on the streets? That would be too pitiful.

The director also guessed When Su Bai came to his thoughts, he lowered his head and sat on the golden nanmu chair, his whole body was like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Now it is difficult for both partners to give up. If this continues, it will be difficult for Su Bai to shoot this group. Keep going.

The director picked up the water cup and took a sip of tea with a frown on his face. He looked like he had aged ten years.

"Hey, who would have thought that this would happen? Let's think about what else we can do."

The director walked out of the room holding the computer and yawned loudly.

"Oops, hey, why haven't you slept yet? What are you doing here?"

The director rubbed his eyes tiredly, feeling extremely worried.

"Let's discuss where to let them go. We can't stay in this place any longer."

The director sat down on the chair and rolled his stiff neck.

"If you can't stay here any longer, find a place with fewer people."

The director glanced at the director for a moment with a very resentful look,

"The one with few people? Is it possible to go to the mountains?"

The director's eyes lit up.

"Mountain? That's right, let them go to the Miao Village, a minority group, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and not that many people."

The director slapped his thigh fiercely.

Miaozhai! It's absolutely okay!

The scenery there is beautiful, there are not as many people as in the city, and it is far away from the partners who will affect the shooting.

It is really a good way!

Su Bai and Bai Lu The two of them looked at the director speechlessly , but their faces showed their shock.

What was going on? The latter was so excited that he moved closer to Su Bai.

"The director is right, go to Miao territory!"

"There happens to be a friend of mine over there, and he will make arrangements for you."

Su Bai held his chin and was stunned for a while.

The director didn't give him a chance to hesitate. He turned to Bai Lu and asked for her opinion.

Bai Lu nodded blankly.

"I can do it all."

The director and the choreographer looked at each other and made a conclusion directly.

"Haha, okay! You go back and pack your things now. I will book you the earliest flight ticket and fly there directly."

Su Bai smacked his lips and said nothing.

He didn't object to changing places at all. It's the same everywhere, but Miaojiang is more fun.

And that's the only way it can be for now. There's no better solution.

He doesn't want to Being surrounded all the time, it would be better to go on a trip to another city.

Su Bai stood up and said goodbye to the director. He turned around to contact Miao Jiang's good friends and immediately got up and returned. The cabin packed up their things.

Waiting for them at the door was the driver who was possessed by the car god. He greeted them with a smile, then started the car and rushed out

, and then they were at the door of the cabin. After getting out of the car, the driver gestured handsomely to the two of them, raised his lips and smiled.

"Go and pack up quickly. The director has already sent me the airport information. I will continue to see you off later!"

The driver felt very good. He put on his sunglasses, turned on the stereo, and got excited listening to the music while shaking his head.

The two of them froze in place for an instant, looking at each other speechlessly.

This is Su Bai, who always calls himself the God of Qiu Mingshan Cars , I also admired the driving skills of this driver.

He was really good at driving, but the people in the car were in trouble.

The two of them were stunned for a while, and after a while, the director walked towards the cabin. The flight information of the two of them was sent. They had a flight at one in the morning, and they had already contacted the receptionist.

The two of them hurriedly packed up some necessities and brought them over.

Su Bai still only had a backpack with a change of clothes and clothes. Some daily necessities.

Bai Lu still brought two large suitcases and smiled awkwardly at Su Bai.

"Hehe, there are too many clothes to fit in."

Su Bai shook his head and directly pulled the box over and put it in the commercial vehicle.

The driver was so excited that he simply turned off the music and performed an upgraded version of Fast and Furious.

This time Bai Lu finally couldn't help it. She spit it out. Fortunately, there was a spare bag in the car.

Damn it, whoever likes it wants it. She couldn't help it anyway, so she had to spit it out.

Su Bai thoughtfully opened a bottle of mineral water.

Bai Lu reached out and took it.


Before he finished speaking, he vomited again.

Su Bai couldn't bear to look directly and turned his head away.

The driver didn't know anything about this and was still driving the car happily.

"Look at me directly overtaking this little off-roader in front of me! La la la~ How about it? Handsome, right?"

"Hey, what a pity, there is a red light here, otherwise I would drive directly through it, the speed would be 70 mph ~ I feel so free ~"

……(If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When the two arrived at the airport, they just happened to check in for the flight.

Bai Lu's luggage needed to be checked in, so it was delayed a bit.

Fortunately, there were fewer people in the evening, so there was no need to queue, and the process was completed quickly.

After getting on the plane, the two of them truly breathed a sigh of relief.

Master Driver is scarier than zombie siege.

After riding in his car once, I never wanted to ride in a car again in my life.

Su Bai sat in his seat with a very depressed expression.

"Ouch, this day has been really painful."

Bai Lu also sighed, as if she had lost all her strength, lying on the small table in front of her, making a muffled sound.

"Yes, it’s so frustrating. It’s so late and I can’t have a good rest. I have to run all night."

"Those who didn’t know thought we had committed something, we were like fugitive criminals!"

Su Bai couldn't help laughing.

"I can't help it, who makes me so charming? Oh, it's really annoying."

Bai Lu turned her head and rolled her eyes at him.

"Are you enjoying it? In this case, get off the plane quickly and stay to show off your charm with your fans and collaborators."

Su Bai quickly shook his head.

"Although I am very charming, I should leave this kind of thing to others."

"Forget it, just treat it as a vacation. I heard that Miaojiang is very fun and has a lot of delicious food. My sister is also very beautiful."

Bai Lu's face suddenly drooped, and she secretly complained in her heart.

Before she even went there, she started thinking about the beauty there!

There is really a new person and the old one has been forgotten.

Now they are still a couple. Although it is a script, it doesn't matter what happens. You should be dedicated!

Damn Su Bai!

After a long time, Su Bai didn't make any sound. Bai Lu turned her head to look at him in confusion. As a result, Su Bai had fallen asleep with her eyes closed and her breathing was very even.

I sighed, raised my fist and wanted to give him a try, but finally gave up.

I’m so heartless, Liu!

It’s only been a few minutes, so I just went to challenge the Guinness World! Record.

Bai Lu secretly cursed for a while and lay down on the small table to rest.

The plane gradually reached the clouds and began to move forward steadily with thick white clouds under the wings. , looked soft and elastic, like an oversized marshmallow.

Su Bai originally slept on it, but after hitting his head several times, he simply lay on the small table.

When Bai Lu heard the movement, he turned around in confusion. She turned her head and was stunned for a moment.

Su Bai's face was no more than two centimeters away from hers, and she could even clearly feel his hot breath.

Bai Lu couldn't help but reach out and touch Su Bai's slightly trembling eyelashes, and her heart beat violently for a moment. , the sound was clearly visible.

Somehow, Bai Lu slowly moved closer.

The moment her lips touched, Bai Lu felt like something exploded in her head.

Su Bai felt a little itchy in her sleep. , subconsciously moved a little to the side.

Bai Lu suddenly realized what she had just done, and quickly retracted.

Four hours later, the plane began to land, and the fuselage began to shake slightly. The rear wheels of the plane touched the runway and began to slow down until it came to a steady stop.

The next second, the announcement sounded.

"Dear passengers, we have arrived at our destination Hu Nan safely.……"

The flight attendant also came out to remind everyone that it was time to get off the plane.

Su Bai woke up from his sleep, raised his hands and stretched out

"It’s so tiring to fly. It would be nice if I could just lie down. Hey! My whole body aches!"

Bai Lu didn't fall asleep again. Seeing Su Bai wake up, she became nervous and laughed twice.

Su Bai didn't notice Bai Lu's abnormality at all. He took her luggage and pulled her off the plane.

The two followed At the airport, he picked up Bai Lu's checked luggage.

The director's contact person, Grandpa Chen, was already waiting at the exit.

He seemed to be a little farsighted, holding his hands far away, and then looked down at the two people the director sent him on his phone. After a while, he raised his head and looked around for the two people.

When he saw the two people coming out, he raised his hand and shouted with a smile.

"Su Bai! White dew! This way!"

The photography brother also restarted the camera.

Su Bai looked at Grandpa Chen for two 160 seconds.

In front of him, Grandpa Chen had a long beard, a turban on his head, a blue robe, and a tie in the middle. He wore a light blue cloth belt, which was very characteristic of the ethnic group.

Seeing the two people in a daze, Grandpa Chen continued to smile and waved to them.

Su Bai immediately responded and walked over to say hello to Grandpa Chen.

"Hello, I am Su Bai."

Bai Lu also poked her head out from behind Su Bai and raised a sweet smile.

"Hello, I am Bai Lu."

Grandpa Chen smiled and held Su Bai's hand and patted it.

"Haha, hello, I am Grandpa Chen. Your director has arranged for me to pick you up. Come with me!"

The two of them got into the car prepared by Grandpa Chen in advance.

The driver was very steady and kept the speed at more than 30 yards.


At six o'clock in the morning, it was just dawn.

Grandpa Chen took the two of them back to the ancient village where he lived and introduced them to

"This is our Miao Village, so what, it’s still very beautiful!"

Su Bai nodded seriously, with a look of certainty on his face.

"Beautiful indeed."

This place is like a paradise, with bluestone slabs, stilted buildings, Tuojiang water, and a boat.

As soon as the sky was slightly bright, there was already a grandma getting up to cook, and wisps of thick smoke slowly rose from the building with two entrances and three exits.

Lining Looking at the surrounding gurgling clear water and the ladder-like Aizhai Bridge,

Bai Lu was attracted by the charming scenery. She forgot about her pounding heart on the plane and couldn't help but sigh.

"Is it so beautiful here?! Wow, the architecture here is so unique, the small bridges and flowing water are so beautiful!"

"These grandma’s clothes are so beautiful, they seem to be all embroidered! She is also wearing silver jewelry, which is so beautiful!"

Su Bai was also attracted by the surrounding scenery and kept turning his head to look around.

He took a deep breath and suddenly felt that all the fatigue in his body had dissipated.

This place is surrounded by mountains, with double eaves and peaks, and the ladder clouds follow the mountains. Directly to the sky, a long river passes through the village, and the environment is excellent.

Bai Lu sighed repeatedly along the way, making Grandpa Chen laugh non-stop.

"You are such a cute girl, haha."

Bai Lu smiled sheepishly.

"It's true that this place is so beautiful. There are all high-rise buildings over there. How can there be such a beautiful scenery?"

Grandpa Chen laughed.

"That's just right, you can have a good time here! Feel the charm of our Miao territory"

"I'm not exaggerating. No matter which outsider comes to us, no one dislikes them. Some people even wanted to settle here directly before."

Su Bai followed Grandpa Chen and walked forward slowly, and said in agreement.

"Indeed, it is very comfortable and beautiful here. I would like to settle here if I have the chance."

Grandpa Chen laughed and nodded.

"good! You are always welcome!"

"The place where we live is just ahead. I will take you to take a look. The scenery there is also very beautiful!"

Grandpa Chen pointed towards a village in front.

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