Except for the 6 people who have been removed from the death list, ten of the remaining 19 people died at once. Ye Xun has realized that the means of death is definitely not something he can take for granted, but the immediate trouble must be resolved quickly.

The police surrounded Ye Xun's regiment, and the fifteen people who were still alive could not be separated, otherwise the situation would be difficult to play.

What should I do?

However, when Ye Xun was still struggling with how to deal with this matter, a young policeman was probably too nervous. With a flick of his finger, a bullet hit Ye Xun's forehead suddenly. Ye Xun didn't bother to dodge, so he just With this shot hitting his forehead, he fell to the ground.

When Yi Fei and the others saw Ye Xun being knocked down, they were shocked at first, and then immediately realized that Ye Xun must be asking everyone to leave quickly while the scene is not in chaos. They are not stupid, and immediately moved towards the subway station, at least advanced The subway station is always good, but there is a big explosion in the subway station.

Ye Xun felt the aura of the people walking away, and immediately woke up, but when he woke up, he found that the police were only surrounding him, and had no intention of going forward to arrest him. When Ye Xun got up, he only saw the black uncle wearing a police officer Clothes stood in front of the police, smiling half a smile at Ye Xun.

Now you understand that there are some things you simply cannot resist.

Ye Xun's complexion is not very good. To be honest, he was indeed a little swollen before. From crossing to the world of Dragon Ball, and then to the awakening system, his combat power became the strongest human on earth within a few months. It can be said that the journey went smoothly without any obstacles .

Even if he really encountered a weird copy of the game Death is Coming, he didn't have the slightest worry. He always felt that those physical damages were impossible to hurt himself. With his reflexes and agility, it was impossible to save people It was easy to catch, but this wave of ten consecutive killings by the God of Reaper thoroughly taught him how to be a man.

So what do you want to do?

I'm just here to tell you that the Grim Reaper has changed his mind. He wants you and the remaining people to enter the next level, and then see what you look like in front of something more desperate.

Ye Xun didn't speak. His system doesn't enable the measurement function of combat power. He doesn't know the combat power of this black uncle for now, but Ye Xun still judges that the combat power of this black man is definitely not lower than his own. This is pure intuition.

Young man, I wish you good luck, but you have to understand that the devil has already set his sights on you.

After leaving this sentence, the black uncle left with a kind of policeman, not even bothering to care about the corpses on the ground.

After Ye Xun went to meet up with the survivors, Ye Xun saw a strange face in the subway station. It was the girl with a strong sixth sense——Tang Yu.

Tang Yu naturally couldn't remember everyone, but she was very impressed with Zhou Wenqi, so after recognizing Zhou Wenqi, she naturally returned to the team.

Ye Xun and everyone explained the meaning of the god of death, just to let everyone struggle in the next despair, at this moment Ye Xun suddenly found that he had reached LV20, overjoyed, this means that the task of the god of death list has been completed, Everyone here has already escaped and ascended to heaven, but this game has a total of nine levels, and more than half of the people died in the second level of the fucking game. What a fool.

At the beginning, everyone didn't believe that the god of death would be so magnanimous, but Tang Yu also said that there was no breath of death on them at all, which was completely different from the previous feeling. Everyone went to have a full meal, and then found a convenient hotel to rest for a few hours.

In this tense atmosphere of nervous oppression, almost everyone did not breathe. After relaxing, almost everyone fell asleep, but when they woke up, they were called to a room by Ye Xun.

Without further ado, Yi Xuan threw twenty sets of firearms to them, and said, It's still three hours before we drive to the subway.

There is still time, you can't rely on me alone, I think the only one who can save you is you.

Only Yi Fei, Xiong Zhong, and Zhou Wenqi knew about firearms, and no one else, including Ye Xun. Ye Xun bought 20 sets of special forces combat equipment in the mall, including light alloy armor and swords. In fact, such a set is not expensive, only about 200,000.

Zhou Wenqi and the three of them naturally knew the goods. This kind of equipment was definitely not available to ordinary policemen or soldiers. They armed them as quickly as possible, and then found out all the firearms before handing them over to everyone.

Remember, even if you don't know how to shoot, you have to learn how to shoot. Death God City is just the second level. If you continue with the rest, you will have nothing to play!

However, before everyone was fully familiar with firearms, Ye Xun suddenly brought in another box and asked Roger to close the door tightly. Ye Xun opened the box, and there were twenty small glass tubes filled with liquid.

God, this is?

Don't you want to know why I am so strong? Let me tell you, I am so strong thanks to biochemical drugs.

Master, why didn't you give it to us before?

Do I owe you?

Ye Xun snorted coldly, the man kept silent, and secretly scolded himself for being an idiot. Before, the master couldn't guarantee whether everyone could survive, and everyone didn't know each other well, so why should he give favors to everyone?

But Ye Xun cursed in his heart: If I didn't estimate that the number of survivors in each level would definitely be linked to the task rewards, I really don't want to care about your life and death.

The weak girl who was the first to fly across the river by Ye Xun also asked timidly: Master A Xun, can I use this too?

Yes, but let me declare first that this medicinal effect can change your most primitive genetic state, and promote the overall improvement of your strength, speed, and neural response. The medicinal properties will increase as you expand your body's exercise limit and activity. In other words, when you encounter danger, if you can fight bravely, you can further develop your genetic strength.

Hearing this, everyone was delighted and injected this drug one after another. Afterwards, it was naturally the body's pain response. After all, it is genetic evolution, so it is impossible to have no side effects.

In fact, this batch of drugs is the cheapest gene drug that can be exchanged in the mall. According to the data analysis, the highest combat effectiveness that this batch of drugs can help an ordinary person achieve is only about 100, but this drug alone costs Ye Xun is one million, twenty million is twenty million.

That's how spending money is like running water, and then Ye Xun gave everyone a Saiyan combat power detector. This detector is not cheap, and the price of each is around 500,000.

This is a strength detector, do you know this kind of thing?

do not know.

never seen it.

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Ye Xun breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that someone would suddenly shout: Fuck, isn't this the fucking combat power detector in Dragon Ball?

Isn't this embarrassing? !

After you put it on, look at the data response.

After Yi Fei put on the tester, he pressed the red button, and suddenly an arrow appeared on the mirror pointing to Ye Xun, and it showed 4956

4956? Master, what kind of power data is this for you?

To be precise, it's combat power data, or strength data. I didn't hide my aura. If I hide my aura and restrain my aura, my combat power will definitely drop.

Everyone found it very novel, and tested each other with the combat power tester. It was okay if everyone didn't test it, but they were very surprised after the test. Among them, Xiong Zhong had the highest combat power data, only 37.

I'm the tallest at only 37, and the master actually has almost 5,000 stats.

Damn it, I don't know, damn it, I was really taken aback, no wonder Master Yi has this kind of ability.

Yi Fei was even more shocked and said: I didn't expect that the combat power of the Sunshine Realm could be 5000, I can't believe it.

As a D-rank martial artist, Xiong Zhong was shocked by this simple and crude statistic when he saw the original S-rank warrior with 5000 combat power for the first time.

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