Dragon Ball the Era of Earth Awakening

Chapter 10 Cultivation in the mountains and forests

There are two figures in the mountains and forests that are shuttling at a very fast speed. When these two figures encounter a deep pit, they will jump over, when they meet a boulder, they will go around, and when they encounter a forest lined up, they will step on the trunk of the tree and fly lightly through the water. past.

Doudou, speed up, you can't become a martial artist like this!

Ye Xun is like a gust of wind coming and going freely in this mountain forest where ordinary people are difficult to travel. Doudou's dream has been fully stimulated during the half month of practicing with Ye Xun in the deep mountains and old forests. He wants to become the strongest in the world. The Panda Grandmaster!

Doudou wants to start the panda style and become famous all over the world, but he is still a weak chicken. Half a month ago, Doudou did unexpectedly make a palm print after learning the crane palm. Ye Xun was shocked at that time, but in After repeated observation and testing for half a month, Ye Xun found an even more shocking result.

Pandas have a natural understanding of the atmosphere of heaven and earth that far surpasses that of humans, no, to be precise, it far surpasses any species on earth.

To put it more bluntly, every panda is a natural master of Qigong. Human beings can only condense the energy through hard work. For pandas, as long as they are enlightened, they will be able to perform Qigong in an instant.

But that's all. Pandas' comprehension of martial arts is not much better than other species. In addition, pandas are gentle and don't like to fight. Therefore, even if there are pandas who know that they can gather qigong, they often don't go further.

Doudou is a different kind of panda, not only likes tossing and jumping, but also has a kind of persistence in martial arts that is not inferior to Ye Xun, so Ye Xun decided to train Doudou, let him learn the most basic fighting skills first.

As a panda who has awakened inner strength qigong, Doudou runs at a very fast speed. He almost uses all four limbs, dodges, speeds up and changes directions, rolls and jumps, and rushes desperately to catch up with Ye Xun's footsteps.

It has been like this for the past half month. In the extremely complicated and difficult terrain, Doudou's explosive power and flexibility have been greatly improved, and his progress has been rapid. If you say that Doudou was a chubby and cute guy before following Ye Xun out of the village, then Doudou now can be said to be a supernatural protector.

Huh~huh~ Brother Ye Xun, I really can't run anymore, you are too fast.

Okay, let's take a rest first.

Doudou looked up and saw Ye Xun falling from the tree trunk very slowly. His body was as light as a feather. Doudou suddenly saw stars and exclaimed: Brother Ye, can you float in the air?

Well, yes, although I am still not proficient, I will soon be able to soar in the sky like a bird.

The admiration in Doudou's eyes was beyond words, I want to learn! I want to learn! Teach me! Teach me!

Seeing Doudou's impatient look, Ye Xun said angrily: I haven't even learned how to run, but I want to learn to fly, I'm overconfident!

After being reprimanded by Ye Xun, Doudou was very wronged, and he worked very hard, but he really couldn't keep up with Ye Xun, and Doudou could pat his chest and say that he had improved a lot compared to half a month ago.

In fact, Ye Xun himself is aware of Doudou's changes, but he can't be made proud. Pandas are too proud to die. They basically look like a national treasure of I'm a panda, what are you?

He took the time to measure Doudou's current 100-meter speed, and it has reached about 10 seconds, which is enough to show that Doudou's speed is much faster than the average 100-meter athlete, and at least has reached the basic finalist for the Olympic Games His grades, however, are not as good as those of Monkey King who just came to Guixianren to learn art.

Seeing that Doudou was too tired to walk, Ye Xun felt a little soft-hearted. After all, Doudou is still a kid less than two years old, so he can't train him desperately.

When Ye Xun was about to fall to the ground, he stopped his downward trend and settled in the air half a meter above the ground. He grasped with five fingers one by one, and a stone in the soil was directly caught in his hand.

Then Ye Xun closed his eyes,

Wei Wei sensed it, and shot like lightning, the stone shot out like a sniper bullet, suddenly there was a tragic roar from the forest, and the roar stopped after a few seconds.

Get up, Doudou, let's go eat.

A big character was placed on the ground, and Doudou, who didn't want to move when he was beaten to death, suddenly jumped up with a carp, and clapped his hands happily: It's time to eat! It's time to eat!

He rushed into the woods in a flash, and Ye Xun also flew in directly, but it was true that he was not flying fast enough. The current flying speed of 100 meters is estimated to take 13 seconds to complete the flight.

When the two arrived at the prey, Ye Xun was stunned. It turned out that the stone hit a dinosaur about 5 meters high, and now it was too much to eat. Ye Xun looked left and then looked again. Looking at Doudou who was already drooling all over the place, he asked curiously, Doudou, do you pandaren also like to eat meat?

Doudou's saliva flowed like a waterfall, and he nodded with certainty: Grandpa usually tells us to eat meat once every ten days, but Doudou really wants to eat it every day.

Isn't your staple food bamboo?

Doudou was full of question marks, and replied with a naive and serious manner: Bamboo shoots are just a dish. Our staple food is rice, but bamboo shoots are really delicious. When there was a famine in the village, the village chief asked everyone to eat bamboo shoots, so we Although Luzhu Village is not rich, everyone has never been hungry.

Ye Xun nodded slightly. This was as it should be. Bamboo shoots grew very fast, almost like crazy. As long as it rained a little the night before, they would have grown a lot when they got up the next day.

What's more, the name of that village is Luzhu Village, so you should know that there is little in everything, but it is impossible to lack bamboo.

Ye Xun used an air knife to cut off the dinosaur's two legs and tail. After Doudou collected the dry firewood, he skillfully stacked the firewood together in a barbecue style.

Ye Xun first set up a barbecue stand with the fastest speed, and then used an air knife to cut off the thigh meat of the dinosaur one by one, and strung them neatly on a wooden stick. Doudou sat on the side obediently Drooling on the stone.

Everything is OK, just a fire!

Brother Ye Xun, the match has already been damp, and there is no way to light it again. Doudou said in a flustered manner when he remembered this incident, his face was full of apology, it was because he slipped and fell into the water that he let the people in the salute Matches are damp.

But Doudou raised his head suddenly, his eyes were full of stubbornness, But Doudou can make fire by drilling wood!

Ye Xun smiled slightly, this cute guy is really full of responsibility, he closed his eyes, ran his true energy along the meridians to Shaoshang, and then pointed out, the small stream of compressed true energy erupted into a scorching temperature, instantly Just lit the firewood.

It's amazing! How did you do it?! Doudou was extremely curious about all things about martial arts.

Ye Xun replied: Doudou, this is the qi I told you. Qi is the most basic energy of the human body. As long as you can compress the true qi to a certain density, you can generate a huge energy response. Don't say this A pile of firewood, even if you want to use gas to melt rocks, it’s a trivial matter.”

Doudou blinked her big eyes, half understanding, and Ye Xun didn't explain too much. These children don't need too much explanation, and they will naturally ask questions when they find a bottleneck.

The practice in the mountains and forests lasted for nearly a month. During this period, one person and one bear have fully integrated into the mountains and jungles.

Eat game when hungry, drink dew when thirsty, and sleep in the forest when it rains. When you encounter a steep mountain, you can climb it with your bare hands, and when you encounter a turbulent river, you can swim across it. Anyway, as long as the route remains the same.

In fact, Ye Xun knows that this kind of training is of little significance for him to improve his combat power, but he wants to experience the experience of Monkey King walking the world alone. environmental tolerance.

And after that, Ye Xun had already started sparring with Doudou while walking. Of course, Doudou tried his best to attack Ye Xun, but Ye Xun didn't dodge at all. He just stood there and accepted every move of Doudou, and then When Doudou showed a flaw, he was beaten immediately.

So Ye Xun's daily tasks became: eating, sleeping, and beating Doudou.

For Doudou, the most nightmarish training time in his life was officially capped. Until later, when Doudou had already become a god-level existence with fighting power against the sky, he often thought of this sad time, and even woke up from the nightmare more than once.

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