Lots of ideas.

As he thought more and more deeply, Lin Chuan had already controlled his huge body to sit on an extremely huge meteorite.

If others saw his appearance at this time, they would definitely be shocked.

Because such a large giant ape not only lives in the universe, but also changes its sitting position from time to time and even makes various humanized movements.

"Wait! Super Saiyan... giant ape transformation... transformation..."

Suddenly he thought of something, and an idea flashed in Lin Chuan's mind.

As a hardcore Dragon Ball fan in my previous life, I knew the plot of the Dragon Ball world very well.

It's just that after more than twenty years of apocalyptic life, many of his memories have been sealed away.

At this time, after in-depth imagination of certain points, he quickly remembered some aspects that he had not thought about in the past.

Especially those plots in parallel time and space that are not the main line of time and space.

For example, in the time and space world of Dragon Ball GT Gaiden, there are advanced methods for giant ape transformation and super Saiyan bloodline evolution.

If you can maintain your sanity while transforming into a giant ape, and have a certain strength to transform into a golden giant ape, then there is hope that you can transform into the fourth level Super Saiyan.

Man-Ape Super Four!

I think that when he was on planet v3114, he just wanted to try this transformation method, so he tried his best to overcome the wildness of the giant ape and stay sane.

In the past, it did fail.

However, previous failures were most likely due to lack of own strength.

It does not mean that it will still fail now or in the future.

As his strength continues to improve.

At this moment, his combat power reaches one million, and his giant ape form reaches tens of millions!

"This time, maybe it's an opportunity!"

By coincidence, I entered the giant ape state, and I just took this opportunity to understand how to transform from an ordinary giant ape to a golden giant ape.

After all, the golden giant ape is the most critical step in transforming into Super Four.

If he succeeds, then he will be truly invincible in this era!

Of course, even if you are unsuccessful, you can gain a new understanding based on your current strength.

Regarding the direction to take in the future, some detours can also be eliminated.

With a decision in his mind, Lin Chuan immediately controlled his huge body to fly towards the moon.

It's too far to go back to Earth.

Since the giant ape transformation is taking place here, we might as well go back to the moon to gain insights.

Landing on the moon's surface again, it was too big and caused quite a stir this time.

Lin Chuan didn't think too much, he randomly found a stable position and sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to understand the form of the giant ape.

Entering meditation in the form of a giant ape.

Lin Chuan entered his own spiritual world.

Different from the spiritual world when meditating in the human form, the spiritual world entered in the giant ape form is a bloody world.

On the dark earth, a blood moon hung in the sky, extremely huge.

Blood filled the air, murderous intent surged, and the aura of beastliness filled the entire world.

There is no doubt that these are the cruelties and bloodthirsty engraved in the bones of the giant ape.

However, Lin Chuan will not be affected.

Because he has already seen this spiritual world.

It was when he woke up from this spiritual world that he fully controlled his reason.

Time passes minute by minute.

Even Lin Chuan himself didn't know how long he had been on the moon.

It wasn't until something strange happened to his body that he finally woke up from his meditation.

There is no doubt that the time for giant ape transformation has come.

Even if there is always moonlight shining on it, if it cannot reach 17 million Boolean waves, it will not be able to maintain its existence as a giant ape.

It is inevitable that the form will automatically be lifted.

Speaking of which, if Lin Chuan hadn't come to the moon, the time to maintain the giant ape transformation might have been even shorter.

The moon is always moving, so the intensity of reflected light will also change.

Lin Chuan felt somewhat lost when he returned to his human form.

Because he is still confused about the golden giant ape.

In the end, I can only conclude that it is probably as difficult to transform from an ordinary giant ape form into a golden giant ape as it is to transform into a Super Saiyan from Lin Chuan's human form.

"However, although the realization failed, this time's transformation into a giant ape seems to have tapped out a lot of my potential." Lin Chuan quickly came out of the disappointed mood and said to himself.

Some things cannot be forced. The more urgent it is, the more likely it is to go too far.

Shifting his attention, he opened the system panel and saw that the combat power index at this time had reached 1.15 million points.

This time, after coincidentally transforming into a giant ape, he actually increased his combat power by nearly 150,000!

Even though his own combat power exceeded one million points, it felt too direct to increase his combat power by hundreds of thousands in one go.

If he didn't have this feeling, Lin Chuan really wouldn't look at the attribute panel in a hurry to confirm the data.

Standing up, Lin Chuan put aside all the thoughts about the Golden Giant Ape and the transformation method of the fourth level Super Saiyan.

He has written down all the previous insights, and will only make new attempts in the future when he becomes stronger.

At this time, Lin Chuan had new ideas and was ready to make a new attempt.

Now that he has tried to get to this point, he doesn't waste any time.

Even though he was naked now, Lin Chuan didn't feel ashamed.

Being on the moon, no one can see what he looks like now.

"Let me try again, Super Saiyan breakthrough!"

"My transformation failed in the past, maybe because of lack of strength or not enough S cells... But now, my combat power has exceeded one million points!"

"With my current strength, can I do it?"

As my understanding deepens, the ideas in my mind become clearer and I know what I want to do next.

In the original work, Sun Wukong reaches the first level of Super Saiyan with a power of 3 million points.

Although his combat power at this time is only over 1.15 million, he is not weak anymore.

At least it's much better than when I was still on planet V3114.

Moreover, he clearly knows Chaoyi's transformation method.

Just this is enough to make up for the gap in combat power, right?

After calming down his mind, Lin Chuan clenched his fists and took a half-bent posture.

Completely concentrate your own power, guide all the energy to converge towards the center of the back, and finally explode in one go.

‘Wow~~~! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ’

A surging snow-white aura spurted out from Lin Chuan's body, like an erupting volcano spewing out magma.

The terrifying power spread in all directions, and the entire moon trembled violently again because of this power.

The aura continued to expand and become stronger, and its intensity completely overshadowed Lin Chuan's previous explosion.

It even set off huge waves in the universe, each wave becoming more terrifying than the last.

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