Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Chapter 85: Annihilation of the whole army

After being tossed back and forth by Ling Ye, Tang Ni even wanted to die, but it was not easy to die. Ling Ye had the healing medicine fairy beans in his hand, so life would be worse than death!

In the end, it was Captain Shawiza who rescued him. Shawiza dashed out of the ground, seeing Downey lying on the ground who was constantly being abused, he couldn't help being furious, and rushed over with an extremely ugly expression. He couldn't help but send out countless qigong waves at Lingye, and took the opportunity to pull Donnie away.

Ayaba frowned displeased, and looked at Shawiza.

At this time, Shawiza was disheveled and embarrassed, his eyes were burning with great anger, and he was holding the muddy Donnie in his hand.

She sneered, her flaxen hair swayed in the wind, and her delicate face instantly turned murderous.

Enough playing, the foreplay is over, it's time for the ending!

The momentum on his body kept rising, 500,000, 1 million, 2 million... Gradually, the entire planet was surrounded by a suffocating breath.

The powerful power of 3 million hit Shaweiza's heart as if materialized. In an instant, Shawiza's face was extremely pale, No, how could this happen!!

Desperate thoughts spread uncontrollably, and Shawiza suddenly lost his motivation.

A person, especially a guy like Shawiza who is used to killing, when he has absolute strength, he will ravage ants to his heart's content. Life is not worth mentioning in his eyes. But from another perspective, when he turned into an ant, his fragile heart was suddenly defeated by his own behavioral principles.

Absolute power, I will explain it here before King Kevila arrives...

Shawiza smelled the smell of death, and he had already smelled the breath of death before the enemy's attack started.

This made him very uncomfortable. Could it be that the powerful and terrifying mecha troop, which frightened the entire universe, was going to be wiped out here?

No, never allow it!

Escape! Shawiza thought in his heart.

Immediately, he threw Downey in his hand towards Lingye, and quickly fled the battlefield by himself.

Rather than both being killed, it is better to sacrifice one to get the other to escape. Shawiza made the decision to sacrifice Downey without hesitation.

However, Ayaba didn't care about the half-dead Donnie, and now Shawiza was her target.

The ghostly figure flickered, and Ayaba suddenly blocked Shaweiza's front. Bang! A loud noise that shook the eardrums reverberated in the air, Ling Ye kicked Sha Weiza's body, and the new combat uniform was immediately smashed to pieces, and the fragments were like countless shining meteors, drifting in the air. in the air.

Ah!!! After several attacks in a row, Shaweiza spat blood in pain, and his hoarse and shrill voice echoed in the air.

Mech troops, today is doomed to destruction!

The cold and ruthless voice entered Shaweiza's eardrums, and a breath of despair rushed to his face.

Ling Ye aimed at Sha Weiza who was in a state of embarrassment, clasped his hands together, and a huge wave of energy shot out. call! The energy wave is like a black dragon, with a terrifying aura, attacking all the way unstoppably.

Shawiza's pupils suddenly turned into needles of stress, No! King Kevilla hasn't... Before he finished speaking, poof! ! With regret and unwillingness, Shawiza was hit by a terrifying energy wave. The huge energy had no emotion. Facing the absolute destruction, Shawiza was mercilessly crushed into dust in the universe.

After eliminating Shawiza, Ayaba sighed softly, but it was not over yet, because Donnie of the mecha unit had not been killed yet.

The previous battlefield has changed beyond recognition. The sudden change of terrain with flying sand and rocks is accompanied by hot magma flowing continuously, making this place like a purgatory. Downey breathed a sigh of relief, prostrating on the ground, his body was covered with scars, and the blood kept flowing.

Shawiza is dead, you are the only one left in the mech unit! Ayaba announced Shawiza's death calmly, and at the same time raised the death flag to Downey.

Downey's face twitched, and he threatened unwillingly: The mech army will not fail easily. King Kevilla already knows what's going on here, and he won't let you go.


Ling Ye's eyes sparkled, and she couldn't help squinting her eyes, Don't worry, sooner or later, your King Kevila will also come to the underworld to meet you!

Donnie, can't you imagine who I am? That's right, countless people died at your hands, how could you remember them all?

Donnie opened his mouth, not knowing what Ayaba was talking about.

Ling Ye shook her head, raised two fingers, and the fingertips gathered energy and emitted a dazzling light.

The cycle of cause and effect, it's a matter of time, it's okay if you can't remember, as long as you die in my hands, Jian Guanbo! With two fingers pointed at Downey, a beam of dazzling and terrifying spiral sword energy gushed out.

Downey stared weakly, and a memory of deja vu came to his mind. Once, I... seem to have seen such a trick.

It's you, didn't you already... With the same move and familiar hair, Downey's memory fell into a blank, and his whole body was pierced by the terrifying spiral sword energy.

This time, the mecha unit is completely destroyed! Ling Ye suspended and confirmed again and again.

In fact, Shaweiza, Tang Ni, and Lishi don't have the ability to regenerate. Ling Ye did this because she didn't want wild geese to be blinded by wild geese in the future.

Just like himself, Donnie never imagined that he was not dead.



Haha, Ayaba defeated Kevilla's mecha troops, it's really satisfying! The excited voice of the King of the Northern Realm sounded in his ear.

The King of the Northern Realm, the King of the Realm waved his fist with a high expression.

Ling Ye said with a faint smile: The mecha troops seem terrifying, but they are just lackeys of the Frozen Clan. The opponents in my heart are not them!

Yes, the frozen clan is the real enemy! Ayaba, go and annihilate those aliens and save this planet! The king of the northern realm was so excited that he rolled and crawled, while the gorilla Babrus tilted his head and looked at the king of the northern realm. The cry of Ula Ula came out of his mouth.

Ling Ye nodded slightly, and flew towards the spaceman's position.

The primitive people on this planet are experiencing a massacre. The appearance of Lingye is like the savior who suddenly appeared before the end of the world in a myth. A legend.

It didn't take much effort, and all those cosmic beings were wiped out.


Outer space, giant spaceship.

The cosmonauts on the operating platform kept monitoring the information from the headquarters, but among the complicated information, there was a piece of information, that is, the last message about the green planet, which made the cosmonauts break out in cold sweat and couldn't help it. trembling.

Not daring to stop for a moment, the cosmic man immediately ran to the protective shield to report to King Kevila.

Kevilla was sitting on the oval driver's chair, playing with the glass ball, staring out with a deep expression, What's the matter?

Great...king, the latest news from the headquarters, the mecha...mecha unit...has been wiped out! The cosmic man reported tremblingly, fearing that such a shocking news would make King Kevila angry at him.

Crack! The glass ball in his hand was crushed, Kevlar's eyes twitched, and a bloodthirsty and crazy breath surged out. The people in the spaceship immediately felt sick and uncomfortable, and couldn't breathe.

Heh heh, the mecha unit has been wiped out, hehe, very good, hahaha...

Kevila licked his purple lips, his scarlet eyes showed infinite murderous intent, and a terrifying and evil grin condensed on his lips.

How long will it take to get to the destination? Kevlar asked in a cold voice.

Report to the king, it will take three hours!

I'll give you one hour, you must arrive in one hour!

Yes! The cosmonaut was sweating coldly. Although he was a little embarrassed, he still obeyed King Kevila's order and steered the spaceship with all his strength to start advancing at a super-safe speed.

Be sure to arrive at your destination within an hour.


Puchi! Puchi!

When Kevlar's spaceship started to accelerate, Ayaba was flying all the way, firing qigong waves in all directions, each qigong wave accurately killed the cosmic people along the way.

The strength of these cosmic beings is only about 500, and they have no ability to escape Lingye's attack at all. Killing them is as easy as squeezing an ant to death. In a short while, the number of cosmic beings killed by Lingye is already more than one hundred.

Ten minutes later, more than three hundred cosmic beings were all wiped out by Ling Ye's hands.

At this time, the anxious voice of the King of the Northern Realm came.

Ayaba, leave this planet quickly!

Ling Ye was startled, and hurriedly asked, What happened?

It's Kevlar. I just noticed that Kevlar's spaceship has appeared near the planet. Kevilla's strength is too terrifying. You are not his opponent yet. Leave quickly. The King of the Northern Realm said in a panic.

Kevilla is here, much faster than expected! Ayaba was stunned, but she didn't intend to escape at all, King, I'm going to fight Kevila!

The King of the Northern Realm scolded: Don't be stupid, Ayaba, even with your strength, even if you use the Upper Realm King Fist, it is no different from Frieza. But Kvella is different from Frieza, he is more terrifying than Frieza Countless times!

Don't worry, king of the world. I have the secret skills of the Yadrat star, plus some special skills of my own. If I can't beat me, I can escape safely. How can I retreat without a fight? ! Ayaba confidently transmitted her voice to the King of the Northern Realm.

The King of the Northern Realm was silent for a moment, and sighed: You are really... well, then you should be careful, and leave immediately if something goes wrong, you know, alas, that planet is finished!

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