The first is the training of the arms. In order to deal with possible crises, Su Ye will never be stingy about the training of the arms.

Followed by building upgrades and building construction.

lord big

The hall must be upgraded, the city wall must be upgraded, and the large-caliber cannons installed on the city wall are all money! Therefore, even with the current reserve, Su Ye still feels that it is not enough

But it doesn't matter, anyway, as long as the dryad's territory maintains the supply of the dryad, then it can always harvest money.

With currency, is it difficult to exchange resources? Moreover, after the completion of the storm in the Dryad Territory, Su Ye plans to occupy a few secret places for the Dryad Territory as a long-term resource supply.

With a plan in mind, Su Ye pulled Su Xier along, ready to set off to find the secret place.

Before that, the two were planning to place large-caliber cannons on the city wall.

After all, it takes a lot of time to build buildings. Before the possible war comes, the two must make complete preparations.

To this, Su Xier did not refuse.

The two climbed onto the city wall and began to build cannons on the three sides of the city wall.

Large-caliber cannons are expensive and a huge expense.

Su Ye made reasonable arrangements and placed three large-caliber cannons on the left and right walls respectively.

On the front wall, which is also the most likely to encounter the enemy, six large-caliber cannons were placed.

Each large-caliber cannon costs gold coins, one million each for iron ore, and half a million each for wood and stone ore.

Twelve giant cannons came down and spent more than 10 million resources in an instant.

Needless to say, it's a waste of money.

Su Xi'er felt a pain in the flesh when she saw it, and pinched Su Ye's arm: "Brother, is it worth it for us to do this?"

Su Ye endured the pain and nodded firmly: "Don't worry, it must be worth it."

Having said that, he ran away.

Even though Su Xier is a mage, her strength attribute is not low, if she is pinched down again, Su Ye will definitely be pinched down

The two got off the city wall, continued with the previous plan, rode up to the sky, and flew towards the south.

This time, the two are going to explore this direction

On the edge of a certain city two thousand kilometers away from Zhongzhou.

There are many territories built here.

Unlike other places, the territories here are very dense and not far from each other.

It seems that the rudiments of an alliance have been formed.

At this moment, in a territory in the middle of this territory alliance, the lord's hall.

There were many people sitting on both sides of the long conference table.

These people are all the lords and managers in the nearby territories.

All were summoned here at this moment.

And it was a middle-aged man who called them together.

He is about forty years old, wearing exquisite plate armor, with a fierce face, squinting his eyes and scanning the lords in the arena.

Zhang Dehou of the Canglong Territory is also the leader of the Zhonghe Alliance, and he has many elite soldiers and generals under his command.

About half a month ago, he used threats or lures to integrate all the surrounding territories and established the Zhonghe Alliance.

Now, these lords are holding a meeting on the matter of the dryad.

"The tree demon and Jinkela fertilizer are bound to become extremely important strategic resources. My suggestion is that all our lords unite and send troops to attack and occupy that...territory. What do you think?"

Chapter 105 Zhang Dehou Borrows Soldiers

The lords in the field looked at each other when they heard the words.

In fact, they have done a lot during this time to attack other territories.

Driven by Zhang Dehou, he fought east and west all day long.

It is also because of this that the territory of the Zhonghe Alliance is fat and oily.

Although there are not many high-level arms, the number of arms can definitely be regarded as the number one in the vicinity.

As the leader of the alliance, Zhang Dehou is also the most powerful territory lord of the Zhonghe Alliance. His way of survival is to fight.

He believes that fighting is the fastest way to get resources, not one of them.

Because of the war, he has such a big family property.

Because of the battle, he established the Zhonghe Alliance and became the supreme leader.

Now, dryads are very popular in the market, so Zhang Dehou set his sights on this thing.

After inquiring through various channels, he finally confirmed that there is a territory that produces dryads in Zhongzhou, more than a thousand kilometers away from here.

Although I'm not sure if it's the...territory that sells dryads in the market system.

However, it has also aroused Zhang Dehou's very strong interest.

Can't wait to immediately.

Go to Zhongzhou and attack that...territory.

The lords lined up on both sides below heard the words and had different ideas.

They got together because they succumbed to Zhang Dehou's despotic power. This kind of alliance is very friendly on the surface, but behind the scenes, they have their own little tricks.

"Leader, I think we have to take a long-term view on this matter. Zhongzhou is at least 1,300 kilometers away from here. It will take several days for us to rush over here."

One of the lords boldly said,

His name is Fang Yun, the lord of one of the territories in the Zhonghe Alliance.

The strength is not weak.

Fang Yun's words were quickly approved by several other lords.

Qianji Territory Yu Hai said in agreement: "I agree with Lord Fang's opinion. Zhongzhou is not close to this side. We haven't even figured out the situation there. It would be too risky to send troops rashly."

Lin Gaojie from Lingyun Territory also followed suit: "Yes, once our army sets off, it will consume a lot of food and resources, and there may be many unfavorable factors on the way, so"

Listening to these people's remarks, Zhang Dehou's face was dark and terrifying.

This is clearly disobeying his orders! Seeing that other lords wanted to continue speaking, Zhang Dehou patted the conference table in front of him.

There was a muffled bang, which made Qi's heart skip a beat, and he quickly shut up.

Zhang Dehou is notoriously brutal, if you really want to fight with him all the time, some lords still dare not.

"Speaking of it, you are cowardly. As long as the demon territory is occupied, we will have inexhaustible food, and we can also sell the tree demon in the market. At that time, are you afraid that the resources will not come back? "

Zhang Dehou said angrily.

Several of his cronies are also at this moment.

"The leader is right. This is a great opportunity. Our Zhonghe alliance is so strong that we will definitely succeed immediately and take down that...territory."

"At that time, we will have inexhaustible food resources, and we will be able to usher in a new wave of development and become even stronger."

Seeing the ugly faces of these people, Fang Yun and the other lords were full of resentment.

It sounds good to say that if you seize the territory of the tree demon, you can use endless food and continue to develop.

But that time it wasn't after the capture of the territory, most of the resources were taken by Zhang Dehou. He developed well, but what did Fang Yun and other lords get? They didn't even get back the loss of a big war.

This style of play, only people with big brains will participate! Seeing that the time is almost up, Zhang Dehou coughed lightly, and glanced at Fang Yun, Yu Hai and other lords who usually opposed him.

"Of course, I don't force you. If you really don't want to go out with me, then according to the alliance regulations, I will borrow soldiers from your territories. I will take your soldiers to Zhongzhou to attack the tree demon territory."

When Fang Yun and the other lords heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

Borrowing soldiers sounds nice, but I am afraid that the borrowed soldiers will never have a chance to come back! Even if they are not treated as cannon fodder and died, they will still fill Zhang Dehou's pocket.

Seeing the change in the face of the lord in the field, Zhang Dehou's lips curled slightly, and he continued: "However, I will not treat everyone badly, and all the lords who lent me troops will give them to you after I capture the territory of the tree demon. A batch of food as payment."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Dehou got up and walked out of the hall: "Everyone, think about it carefully. After two hours, the reason is to follow me to go to Zhongzhou. Please wait in front of the city gate."

Zhang Dehou left, but the atmosphere in the field became: more dignified.

Several lords who were at odds with Zhang Dehou got together.

"What should we do? It's clear that they want to drag us into the water!"

"In my opinion, we can just lend him some soldiers, and we can stay here and develop with peace of mind."

"Hehe, do you think he will let go of the opportunity to borrow soldiers so easily? If he doesn't take away 80% of the soldiers in your territory, he will feel at ease."

The lords were speechless.

Indeed, Zhang Dehou had a bad reputation.

After becoming the lord, it is even more convenient to ask for resources from other territories with the convenience of the lord.

It can be said that Zhang Dehou's Canglong territory can develop to the point where it is today, Fang Yun and other lords have contributed a lot.

"Then what should we do now, Lord Fang, you should give me a word!"

in Haidao.

After the words fell, all the lords in the field looked at Fang Yun.

He is the most powerful lord in this small group, so he has the most right to speak:.

Fang Yun smiled wryly and shook his head: "Borrowing troops is impossible. If Zhang Dehou wants us to join the war, then we have no choice but to go along with him."

All the lords looked at each other when they heard the words.

Sure enough, they still can't escape this catastrophe? In fact, they are also very clear about the reason why Zhang Dehou insisted on bringing them along.

It's nothing more than looking for cannon fodder! Every time they fight, their soldiers fight the damage in front, and Zhang Dehou himself waits and sees behind.

Seeing that the fighting ahead was almost done, he led his troops to pretend to charge.

Chapter 106: Xuan Qinglian Matures, Causes Turmoil

After winning a complete victory, Zhang Dehou claimed that he commanded well, which made the battle so easy to win.

Then comes the distribution of loot.

Zhang Dehou is the leader of the alliance. When attacking the secret realm in the form of an alliance, all the spoils obtained when attacking the territory should be distributed by the leader.

Then, the result can be imagined.

More than half of the resources were swallowed by Zhang Dehou, and the rest were shared equally among the other lords.

There are only a handful of resources that can be obtained, and even the battle damage cannot be made up.

And this is also the reason why Fang Yun and others dislike Zhang Dehou.

Seeing that the surrounding lords were silent, Fang Yun continued: "Be optimistic. As long as we preserve our strength, we will be able to stand up one day. Now go back and prepare. We will set off in two hours."

When the lords heard the words, they looked at each other and nodded in unison.

There is no way, instead of borrowing troops to waste as cannon fodder for Zhang Dehou, it is better to go along with him, which may reduce a lot of battle damage.

An agreement was reached, the lords dispersed, each returned to their respective territories, and began to prepare for the next battle plan

Zhongzhou, Territory of Dryads.

It is said that after Su Ye and Su Qianer set off, they headed south all the way.

After flying all the way far, far away, they finally found what they wanted.

It was a blue secret realm, and it seemed that it hadn't been attacked yet.

Su Ye memorized the coordinates, and rode Chi Lie to explore the surrounding area.

Two treasure chests were found.

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