Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 22 System startup (recommended collection)

Chen Xin was a little undecided, worried that this might be something strange, especially since this thing was still glowing, which made him have bad associations, the color of the stars in Cthulhu mythology is also in the form of meteorites Falling blue star, and it will glow.

But thinking that not far away is his own sanctuary, if this is Xing Zhicai, he can't hide himself, Chen Xin gritted his teeth, still came to this thing, stretched out his foot and kicked it.

The thing at the bottom of the pit is not big, it looks about the size of a ping-pong ball, and there are some charred marks on the surface, which peel off with Chen Xin's kicks. Mark of.

And as the heat dissipated, the light emitted by this thing gradually dimmed, and gradually became no different from ordinary metal balls.

Seeing that this thing no longer glowed, Chen Xin's hanging heart gradually fell to the ground, it seems that this should not be the color of the stars.

After kicking it twice, seeing that there was no other reaction to this thing, and it didn't seem to be dangerous, Chen Xin hesitated for a while before picking it up.

When Chen Xin picked it up, it seemed to be a little hot to the hand. When Chen Xin's hand held it, the heat emitted made the wound on his palm sting a little bit.

Chen Xin didn't pay much attention to it. He looked at this thing and found that it looked like a small metal ball with a smooth surface.

Chen Xinjian couldn't see anything more, so he put the ball in his pocket, intending to avoid the difficulty and study it carefully.

After searching in the crater, he found nothing that looked like meteorites. Chen Xin climbed out of the crater and walked towards the shelter again.

While walking to the shelter, Chen Xin looked up at the sky and saw that the traces of the two meteorites had already reached below the horizon. He knew that the meteorite impact was imminent.

Although his location is far from the impact point, as the meteorite hits, its impact will also be transmitted here quickly.

So Chen Xin didn't hesitate any longer, and quickly returned to his shelter. After closing the heavy door again, he picked up the TV on the ground and walked towards the depths of the shelter.

Because the shelter must be dug deep enough, Chen Xin's shelter has a corridor about fifty meters long.

The corridor is built diagonally downwards. When excavating, considering the need for construction and the entry and exit of vehicles in the future, it is fairly wide.

Coming to the interior of the shelter and putting down the TV that he had been holding, Chen Xin sat down, found the medicine box, and wanted to deal with the scratches on his hands.

However, when he found the medicine box and planned to wash the wound with water, he found that the scratch on his hand had healed without medicine.

If it wasn't for the bloodstains remaining on his palms, Chen Xin would have thought that the scratches just now were just an illusion.

This kind of strange thing that healed without medicine reminded Chen Xindeng of the small ball he picked up from the crater, so he hurriedly turned it out of his pocket.

It's just that Chen Xin's pocket was a little tight, so that when he took it out, the ball fell to the ground.

At the moment when the ball hit the ground, where it touched the floor, a bright blue halo flashed, and after sweeping through everything in the room, it retracted into the ball.

As the halo retracted, the ball lit up again, and floated directly into the air, keeping it parallel to Chen Xin's line of sight.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xin still didn't know that there was something wrong with what he had picked up. He stepped back two in fear and picked up the medicine box on the side, trying to strengthen himself.

The Doomsday Survival System is activated...

The target gene has been collected...

Confirming genetic makeup, carbon-based organisms...

Confirm the living environment, the meteorite crisis, the possibility of biological extinction... The conditions are met, the binding program starts...

The small ball made a mechanical sound, and it was somewhat surprising that although the sound it made was in another language, Chen Xin was able to understand what the small ball was saying.

With the sound of the small ball, it flew in front of Chen Yu, shot a blue light to scan his body, and then hit Chen Xin directly.

Chen Xin hurriedly blocked with the medicine box in his hand, but the ball hit the back of his hand directly, and then melted directly into the back of his hand.

This made Chen Xin pale in shock, dropped the medicine box in his hand and looked at the back of his hand, but found nothing unusual.

Just when Chen Xin was uneasy, his body changed a little he didn't expect. A green halo like a data grid emanated from under his feet, sweeping across the entire shelter, and then like a radar echo. Like, retracted his body.

Chen Xin was stunned to see all this, and his whole body was stunned. At this time, his mind was blank, and he had no idea what was going on, and what kind of expression he should make.

What the hell is going on? Chen Xin was stunned for a long time. After restarting his brain, he regained his ability to think and asked this question.

As Chen Xin asked this question, a large amount of information appeared in his mind and projected onto his retina in the form of words he knew, allowing him to finally figure out what was going on.

In short, Chen Xin picked up a system, the kind of system in all kinds of system flow novels that have been rotten on the street.

The name of this system is the Doomsday Survival System. It was produced by a certain advanced civilization in an unknown time and space. It seems to be their entertainment product.

But it doesn't matter how the system came about, what matters is the function of the system.

The name of the system is the doomsday survival system, and the function of the system is naturally related to survival.

According to the information displayed by the system, as long as the host bound by the system, that is, Chen Xin himself, survives in the doomsday environment determined by the system, every day of survival, he can obtain something called a survival point.

This is somewhat similar to the points in other systems, but the points in this system cannot be used to exchange things out of thin air, but are used to upgrade items.

Because this is an entertainment product of higher civilization, the purpose is to experience the fun of survival in the apocalypse. If you can exchange things out of thin air, you will inevitably be suspected of cheating, and the experience of survival games will become very poor.

Therefore, the function of this system is only to upgrade items, and this function is similar to the item synthesis upgrade function in many games, but the upgrade function of this system is more powerful.

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