【Rin Tosaka:”Ninety thousand?!”]

The little girl with twin tails was stunned.

This can be said to be the most expensive product she has ever seen.

【Tohsaka Rin:”Why is it so expensive?!”】

【Su Mo:”Qun Mall automatically sets the price. Judging from the most basic effect of upgrading the human body to at least the level of a mythical beast, there is nothing wrong with this price.”】

【Tohsaka Rin:”Ah no! I know that Master Su Mo’s product must be worth the money!”】

【Tohsaka Rin:”But the key problem is that I don’t have so much money!”】

【Tohsaka Rin:”Woooooo!”]

She did not doubt the quality of the goods provided by Su Mo, but she doubted her wallet.

10,000 points, no matter how you look at it, it’s hard to save up enough, right?

Not to mention, she wants more than just this one product, she is also thinking about saving up money to buy the Dayuan Magic Refining Technique!

That is divine power!

The one who was in the same distress as her was Kanae

【Kanae:”The Five Spirit Breathing Technique is indeed very powerful, and the upper limit of the second level is enough to kill Oni Wu Shiwu Ke.”……”】

【Kanae:”But I can’t afford 10,000 points!”】

【Kanae:”I can only save slowly.”】

She was very satisfied with Su Mo’s optimized skills.

But I am not satisfied with my wallet.

At this moment, Erica also finished shopping in the mall.

At this time, the corners of her mouth also twitched slightly

【Erica:”This is pretty good for you. At least if you save some money, there is still hope.”】

【Erica:”Look at my side!”】

【Erica: Screenshot.JPG】

What Erica provided is a screenshot of the sales price of Qun Mall.

【Hermes Boots·Advanced】This product is not bad, and the price of 10,000 points is very consistent with the price of this level of product.

But the [Concept Spiritual Equipment Construction Guide] on the side is different.

【Tohsaka Rin:”What? 990,000?”】

【Tohsaka Rin:”Isn’t this too outrageous? Even artifacts are not so expensive, right?”]

In less than a minute, the position of the most expensive product was changed.

Tohsaka Rin rubbed his eyes for a long time, thinking that he looked at an extra 0.

But it didn’t happen.

【Erica:”It involves the knowledge of an entire magic system. Naturally, the prices are completely different from those of the same level of magic.””】

【Erica:”After all, mastering this skill is equivalent to mastering hundreds of first- and second-order spells.”】

【Erica:”From this perspective, the price is not expensive”】

【Erica:”Of course, it did scare me.”】

【Tohsaka Rin:”Being scared +1″】

【Tohsaka Rin:”Suddenly I felt that ten thousand points were not much. At least I could save them.”】


When the prices of these goods are so high that they can only look up, they don’t have much emotion.

Even the previous price was acceptable.

Just as everyone was recovering from the shock, Erica noticed that Su Mo had walked to the place where the mythical beast boar disappeared. He seemed to be studying something.

“Master Su Mo?”

Erica immediately put down the water, walked quickly behind Su Mo, and asked doubtfully.

Hearing her approach, Su Mo stood up slowly.

Erica noticed that there was a hollow on Su Mo’s palm. Holding a dozen golden light spots

“This is the true ether fragment left behind after the body of the divine beast collapsed.”

Su Mo casually introduced

“Are you studying the structure of mythical beasts?”

Erica’s eyes were filled with admiration.

She didn’t forget to study even after the battle. You are worthy of Master Su Mo!


Su Mo nodded, and then asked casually

“By the way, Erica, let me ask you, what do you think is God?”


Hearing this question, Erica almost froze on the spot.

Master Su Mo wants to ask academic questions himself?

Is this a test of himself?

But even if he is testing himself, why would he use such common sense questions?

“God is——”

Erica was ready to answer on the spot, but when she opened her mouth, she found that she had nothing to say.

Because this common sense concept is too basic, it does not need explanation, and because of this, it cannot be answered.

What is the precise definition of God?

After being speechless for a few seconds, she tentatively said

“A being who can use divine power?”


Su Mo immediately shook his head.

“I can also master the so-called divine power, but I am not a god.”

Obviously, being able to master true ether is not the key factor that distinguishes gods.

After hearing this, I really want to ask a question.——”Is there any difference between you and the gods? The gods are not as outrageous as you.” But recalling that the Great Source Magic Refining Method provided by Su Mo can indeed allow everyone to master divine power, Erica can only change the definition.

“An existence that can use authority?”

After she said it tentatively, without waiting for Su Mo to deny it, she shook her head.

“No, Godslayers can also use the authority of gods, but they are not gods either.”

If you can’t even distinguish the key authorities, what other way is there?

“Is it the gods who can absorb faith?”

“No, many elves and subordinate gods can also absorb faith”

“Are the beings recorded in myths gods?”

“No, for example, most of the eight million gods in Fuso are spirits and ghosts. Erica

, who raised conjectures several times, denied her definition several times. After much deliberation, she could not find the answer, and in the end she could only surrender.

“Sorry, Lord Su Mo, I don’t know.”

Erica lowered her head in slight shame, feeling a little embarrassed.

As a great knight, she couldn’t even answer such basic common sense.

Master Su Mo wouldn’t be very disappointed in me, right?

Thinking of this, Ellie felt a little uneasy. Ka raised his head slightly and observed Su Mo’s expression with his peripheral vision, but found that after hearing this answer, Su Mo’s face was not at all disappointed or disgusted.

“It doesn’t matter.”

After nodding with a gentle tone, he just casually dispersed the golden light spots he captured with his usual calm attitude.

Finally, Su Mo turned sideways and looked at the young man who had quietly arrived in front of him at some point.

He asked again road

“What about you? Why do you think you are God?”

Until this moment, Erica didn’t notice someone appearing next to Su Mo.

Seeing this strange boy’s divine posture and the terrifying coercion flashing in his golden pupils, Erica’s pupils suddenly shrank. , sweating profusely.

She wanted to touch the hilt of her beloved sword, but it was empty.

This move attracted the attention of the strange boy, who just glanced at her casually, and Erica suddenly felt that her mind went blank.

With an awe-inspiring posture and a pressure that could crush a mythical beast… Erica, who had been educated in a magic association, quickly realized the boy’s true identity.

Looking at Su Mo, who still looked calm, even though she knew that Su Mo was very powerful. She may have recognized the other party’s identity, but for safety reasons, Erica still bit the tip of her tongue. With her own willpower, she tried to open her mouth under the pressure of the gods and reminded her.

“Master Su Mo, he… is God!”

This is a slightly trembling voice due to instinctive fear.

“The god of disobedience!”

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