Bird Soul: Unparalleled National Warriors at the Beginning

Chapter 90 I will lead you and Qingcheng to win the championship

After moving, Nan Yan was finally able to say goodbye to Xiaoqiang's frequent homestays.

Yumeno Maho's home is much bigger than Nanyan imagined, and it is clean, tidy, and well-ventilated. Yumeno's parents are also quite good to him, even a little too nice. Not only do they help Nanyan clean the room, but they also While Nan Yan was playing online mahjong, he brought him a cup of hot tea.

This made Nan Yan, who was not used to being too close to others, a little uncomfortable.

After learning from Yumeno that her parents were usually so warm-hearted, Nan Yan got used to it.

Fortunately, Meng Nai's parents were only overly enthusiastic when Nan Yan moved in. Later, they often came to ask for help, but they did not leave Nan Yan at a loss, and he gradually got used to it.

Soon after settling on his side.

The mahjong club welcomed the co-stay.

It is said to be a staycation, but in fact it is just a change of place to play mahjong. Usually in anime, staycations are chapters that provide benefits to the audience.

That is to say, the swimsuit welfare return, basically the plot of the novel was written and sealed.

It's boring. Nan Yan only has mahjong in his heart. Li Zhi touches himself and turns white. He only has 7900 points in the fourth level of 30 talismans.

Nothing more.

"Senior Nanyan, please go pick up Xiaohe."

Arriving at the old school building, Sometani Mako was helping Kutei prepare daily necessities for the dormitory.

Seeing that Nan Yan had just arrived, he asked him to pick him up.

Naturally, Nan Yan did not refuse, so he went down the stairs and waited at the door of the old school building.

Not long after, I saw a luxury car driving slowly towards the school building from a distance.

That should be the car owned by Miss Haramura. Nan Yan even asked for the license plate number before coming down, so there would be no mistake.

Although he was still far away, after awakening the human-ghost template, Nan Yan's five senses were greatly strengthened.

Far away, I saw the man driving the car with a stern tone, as if he was preaching to the people in the back seat.


I'm afraid this is Haramura Kazu's father, Haramura Megumi.

Nan Yan has heard about the small and strict family atmosphere.

The family environment is completely different from that of Mono. Although Xiaohe's father will not physically stop Xiaohe from playing mahjong with his friends, verbal preaching is definitely indispensable.

"Give up going to school in Tokyo and stay in the country just to sleep with friends?"

Megumi Haramura drove the car silently. When he heard that his daughter was going to stay with someone to practice mahjong skills, he had a cold face and was not very happy in his heart.

Since that day's online mahjong, he has never played such a boring game again.

"Yes, dad, with my junior high school classmates and high school friends."

Facing his father, Haramura Kazu still lacked any confidence.

After all, her parents often taught her that everything she had was given by her parents, including her elegant and beautiful body, the blood flowing through it, her generous family environment, and her social status that was naturally higher than that of ordinary students, including that she had more money than other students. My pocket money is all given by my parents.

Everything about her should belong to her parents.

Naturally, facing the man in front of her, she seemed out of breath.


Haramura Megumi recalled the 'wall-building style' that could not be explained by common sense, and said coldly and disdainfully: "Mahjong is just a boring game that relies on luck, and it is really ridiculous to have to conduct special training for this purpose. ."

Even though Haramura Megumi has great respect for professional mahjong players.

Because in terms of social status, professional players are equal to him, so there is nothing to say.

With equal status, they are naturally qualified for equal dialogue.

But he didn't think that his daughter should pursue a career, thinking that she was just ignorant and unskilled, and he already had a bit of contempt for the game of mahjong, and he became even more disgusted after the last time.

The 'wall-building style' style of play frequently appeared in his nightmares.

But he couldn't find the answer after much thought, and in the end he could only blame it on two words.


Otherwise, how could ordinary people possibly achieve that almost miraculous undersea ability?

Obviously, it was purely a matter of luck.

Not worth mentioning.

Hearing his father's belittling and even trampling on the things he liked, Haramura tightly grasped the hem of his skirt with both hands and bit his lower lip gently, relying on the pain to make himself speak.

"But you can become stronger as long as you practice. Isn't this what my father told me?

And if I can win the national competition, I should be able to stay. "

Haramura Megumi didn't speak immediately and drove the car silently.

It wasn't until he approached the old school building that he said calmly: "If you can win the championship, I will consider it."

The meaning is already obvious.

If you can't win the national championship, you should follow his arrangements.

Even if he wins the championship, he may not let Haramura Kazu stay.

All rights of interpretation belong to him.

Hearing that his father did not choose to agree to this bet, Haramura felt a little cold, but I am afraid that this is his father's biggest concession.

At this moment, she saw Nan Yan's figure from the window.

No. Not good!

If it were someone else from the club, it wouldn't be the worst situation.

Why does it have to be Senior Nan Yan!

Even if Kyotaro comes to pick her up, it won't be so bad.

Senior Nan Yan is too handsome and tall. An outstanding boy like this is destined to arouse the hostility of any father in the world.

"Who is this……?"

After stopping the car, Haramura Megumi suddenly turned cold when she saw the smile that Nanyan threw at her daughter.

"He is the senior of our club, Nan Mengyan."

Haramura Kazu felt sad. She never expected that senior Nan Yan would come to pick her up. This could not be a worse situation than this. Her father would definitely be hostile and dissatisfied with her going to the so-called event with a strange and handsome boy. of sleeping together.

"Hello, Uncle Harancun." Nan Yan nodded gently, neither humble nor overbearing.

In the Great Celestial Empire, there is no etiquette of groveling and bowing.

Even when facing his own boss, if he was really unhappy, Nan Yan would always give up his responsibilities when he was young, and would even dare to scold his boss.

Of course, he only dared to do this when he was young. When he got older, Nan Yan was still honest, giving in when facing bosses and customers. Even when he was writing novels online, he was still humble in front of readers. In the extreme, if the readers scold it, it will be corrected at the speed of light.

In his later years, the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty will not live a new life. He will only have to bear mortgage and car loans, as well as a wife and children to take care of. He will not be as carefree and free as he was when he was young.

But in China, there are not so many red tapes when dealing with elders, and being polite is enough.

But Haramura Kei felt a little unhappy when she saw that Nanyan just nodded and didn't show any special respect.

When his daughter got out of the car, he glanced at Nanyan and said something to Haramura Kazu.

"Stay together. Have fun, have fun."

These extremely gloomy words scared Haramura and her whole body trembled slightly. She knew that her father was already a little angry at this time.

Her complexion did not improve at all until her father drove away.

"Your father doesn't seem to agree with you participating in the sleepover."

Nan Yan didn't expect it to be such a complicated situation. At first, he just thought it would be a big deal to go downstairs to pick someone up.

If it were Yumeno Maho or Yuki, of course nothing would happen at all. Even if they were fighting in front of their parents, they would just sigh that it was great to be young.

But this is an original village family with an overly strict upbringing, so the situation is completely different.

"Well, my father is indeed quite strict. He wants me to do my best in all aspects and doesn't like me wasting too much time in the field of mahjong."

Haramura Kazu nodded. She wanted to ask why Senior Nanyan came to pick her up, but now she was no longer in the mood.

After all, Senior Nan Yan came to pick her up out of good intentions, so there was nothing to criticize.

And she could also see that her father was becoming more and more resentful and even hostile towards mahjong. As long as this hostility did not disappear, even if Yuxi came to pick her up, her father would not look down upon her.

Hearing this, Nan Yan smiled: "Since father requires you to do your best in all aspects, then just do it for him to see. As long as we can reach the national competition and win the championship, he will There should be nothing to say.”

"How can this be……"

Haramura Kazu exclaimed. In fact, all she had ever wanted was to enter the 'national competition'. It was too difficult to win the national competition.

You know, even the strongest player in Nagano Prefecture, Ryumon Bubu, failed to reach the finals, let alone them?

But then, Nan Yan looked at her and spoke every word with utmost seriousness.

"Even you think that winning the national championship is like a miracle, something that is extremely rare to happen. I believe your father thinks so too.

If you just enter the national competition, I don't think your father will agree with you. If you enter the national competition and then swim home after one or two rounds, he will only think that mahjong is a ridiculous game.

Unless you can create miracles, complete feats that no one can imagine, and win face for him, so that he can look up to you. "

At this point, Nan Yan has a deep understanding.

In his previous life, his parents were also very strict in controlling him. When he got second place in his grade in high school, his parents were not very happy, but asked him to continue to strive for the first place in his grade.

In fact, they don’t know how difficult it is to get first and second place, but they need your first place to give them something to brag about in front of their relatives and friends, because in their opinion, the second place is a bit unattainable. Because at this time, others will ask who is the first person in grade.

They don't need to care who is ranked first, but they can use that person to make their parents look bad.

Therefore, the sense of vanity obtained by the second and the first is completely different.

If it's just to play in the national competition and then go home in one round.

In Megumi Haramura's view, this not only does not have any capital to show off, but also deepens her prejudice against the game of mahjong, and she does not want her daughter to continue to be good at it.

Therefore, the only thing Haramura Kazu can do is to become the champion of the National Middle School League and win the supreme honor in the field of mahjong.

Only in this way can there be a slight possibility of shaking Haramura Kei's mind.

After saying that, Nan Yan then looked at her.

"Don't worry, we will be with you until you conquer the country. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Let's go, they are still waiting in the club."

Nanyan didn't want to comment too much on other people's family affairs. After all, his past and parents in his previous life were much more troublesome than Haramura Megumi.

He can be considered a visitor.

"Senior Nan Yan!"

Just when Nan Yan turned around and headed to the club, Haramura Kazu behind him called out to him.

“If. I mean if.

We have no way to win the national championship, or even enter the national competition.

When that happens, what will you do, senior? "

She pursed her lips slightly and stared at Nan Yan's back.

Although Haramura Kazuzu is a strong girl, she cannot resist the will of her parents.

When she was at her most vulnerable, she wanted an answer, or a guarantee, as long as it could suppress the uneasiness in her heart, that was enough.

When people are most uneasy, they all hope to grab something.

Even if it's just a straw, a word of comfort, the simplest guarantee.

That's all.

Nan Yan turned sideways and looked at the beautiful girl standing motionless behind him. In fact, he knew what kind of answer Haramura Kazu wanted to hear.

I will take you away, take you far away.

I will be responsible for raising you, let me confront your father

But don't be stupid, Nan Yan has long passed the age of middle school.

There is never a proper solution to this kind of thing.

Parents' orders are as important to their children as they cannot be disobeyed.

For example, Nan Yan in his previous life thought that he was not too bad compared to most students. He did only get an average exam, but that was just one exam. Besides, his grades in college were always pretty good. Got a scholarship.

However, his parents always believed that he was too rebellious and disobedient, and would not pay him living expenses from time to time, so he could only make a living by helping others place game orders online during college.

I remember that when he first came into contact with online mahjong in high school, Nan Yan relied on his talent to win the prize money of the county mahjong competition. This should have been a happy thing, but his father learned that he actually dared to Playing games online was considered a treasonous act and violated his father's will. At one point, he even wanted to send him to a school to combat Internet addiction.

When did his parents change their views on him?

It's not because he got top marks in his grade, it's not that he showed his talent in the field of mahjong, or he got into a top university.

But after he graduated, he relied on a stable job to send his first money back to his family...

He is unable to be financially independent, and those promises are nothing more than a mirror in the mirror. Instead of thinking about taking the girl away, it is better to think about how to get the prize money from the national competition.

The amount of bonus is not low.

Nan Yan waved his hand and said calmly: "We will definitely be the champions. I will personally hand over the championship trophy of the national competition to your hands."

He couldn't promise to take her away from a harsh family environment.

The only thing he can guarantee is this.

Won the championship in the national competition!

"Don't think too much, the sleepover is about to start. No matter how much you think about this kind of thing, it won't work out. Let's just look forward."

After saying that, Nan Yan took one step ahead of her and headed towards the old school building.

Watching Nan Yan's figure fading away, the girl gently raised her head and looked at the not-so-burly young man in front of her.

His words just now were like a ray of warm sunshine shining in from the window of her heart, rushing into her heart with overwhelming force, dispelling the pressure from her family that had accumulated in her heart.

The girl's eyes gradually blurred, as if covered with a soft filter.

I just feel that the young man's back is becoming more and more majestic and invincible.

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