Luo Xied frowned, resisting the discomfort and sitting up, paying attention to his tail that was gradually changing.

The outermost thin epidermal layer under the fish scales begins to tear, the glands stop secreting protective mucus, and the tail fin is torn from the middle. It feels like a complete leg has been split open by a knife blade.

Luoxid closed his webbed claws and easily smashed the conch next to him.

He groaned again and raised his painful white palm. The thin translucent webs between the five fingers were retracting, transforming into a palm that was closer to a human.

The mermaids in the water stared at his changes.

The transformation process is very long. When the sunset sinks into the water, the giant tail cracks to its maximum size and slowly grows into two things covered with scales that can barely be called legs.

Roxed was in so much pain that he couldn't sit up and lay down in the sand. The blood vessels on his neck bulged and turned a strange blue color, like a map with a complicated route engraved on his body.

The process of splitting the tail is very painful. The scales retract into the dermis, revealing a surface that is close to human skin. The soles of the feet are gradually revealed, and the slender and straight humanoid 'legs' are getting closer to perfection.

Such a transformation is undoubtedly a torture for the underwater mermaid.

A few hours later.

Under the worried low sounds of the tribe, Losid slowly raised the body part called the knee, and his body was in a kneeling position, and the special-colored blood vessels on the skin slowly disappeared.

He lowered his head, and his long silver hair covered his entire body. His legs that had just completed the transformation were still shaking unconsciously, but it was undeniable that they had transformed perfectly, with full muscles, white skin, and very well-proportioned.

It’s the legs that Serra will never disappoint.

Because it's more beautiful than hers.

As Luo Xied thought of this, his pale lips curved into a weak arc.

He slowly learned to use the unfamiliar soles of his feet to support the ground, and stood up little by little with his knees, just like a newborn baby learning to walk. He staggered a few steps and fell down again.

Until he learned to walk, he said in a dry voice to the mermaid behind him; "I need a complete ship filled with jewelry and gold coins."

After receiving the order, the mermaid swung its tail and entered the seabed to salvage the sunken treasures that filled the entire sea area.

Two particularly strong mermaids looked at each other, plunged into the sea and swam farther away.

They won't let the leader go ashore alone again, he needs to kidnap human helpers.

After drinking, Sera had a rare good night's sleep. She didn't have any dreams, and she didn't meet Roxed. She slept until six o'clock in the morning, when she was woken up by the servant's knock on the door.

"Miss Serra, Mrs. Josie asked me to remind you that you are going to visit Mr. David today. You need to get up."

Sierra turned over in the quilt. The curtains were not drawn last night, and the early morning sun spread to the foot of her bed. She rubbed her pillow and squinted her eyes, sighing lazily.

I didn't drink too much yesterday, so I didn't have any buzzing pain in my head.

After getting dressed and eating breakfast, Sera got into the car and began to think about why she didn't dream about Loseed last night.

According to his nature of peeing with her, he shouldn't have shown up.

I don’t know how far the injury has been repaired, but judging by the speed of its self-healing, it should be pretty quick.

You should be able to see him wearing pants soon, right?

She looked out the window with some anticipation in her heart. She seemed to have been looking forward to him having legs.

Anaxi stared at Sera, who was rosy and still in trance, and couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Did you sleep well last night? The bed I prepared for you is enough for two people."

Hearing the connotation in her words, Sera replied in a nonchalant manner, "It's still too crowded. You should prepare a bed for me that four people can sleep on together."

"You!" Anna Xi almost couldn't breathe. The cool weather in the morning made her pull open the lace bone fan and slap her a few times, "You have no shame at all!"

"Didn't you ask first?" Sierra smiled and said, "I just answered you truthfully."

Anaxi tilted her head and snorted heavily.

Seeing how angry she was so early in the morning, Sierra thought for a moment and then asked bluntly: "Did you see Eric yesterday?"

She responded with a big eye roll, it was self-evident, no wonder she was so angry.

Sierra smiled and raised her eyes, then looked at Joey in the driver's seat in front of her, "Is your face feeling better? Joey."

Joey, whose one eye was swollen and still purple, reluctantly looked at her in the rearview mirror and answered: "Do you think I look better? I was shocked by my eyes when I got up this morning."

Sierra chuckled, "What did the police say? Did they catch the person who hit you?"

"No." Joey sighed, "I didn't catch it."

He could guess who it was even if he didn't arrest anyone. When the person beat him, he warned him not to spread any more gossip. He didn't tell the police about it because he was afraid that Grandpa Lizzie would find out that it was him who got drunk again. By spreading gossip and ruining the reputation of the two young ladies, he would not only lose his well-paying job, but also face punishment.

It was almost 9 o'clock when we arrived at David's house.

As Wally is a relatively wealthy mine owner, many rich people and nobles will come to sell him a favor, especially when their son Nelson comes back victorious from the war.

The house they live in is not a large manor. It consists of ten three-story ground-floor villas connected in parallel. It is far away from the town. The small back garden is at the foot of the Black Forest, only separated by a small hill.

In front of outsiders, Annasi and Sera both pretended to be affectionate sisters. Side by side, they were led into the garden by the servants. There was a violin band inside, and laughter and laughter continued.

"Miss Annahi, isn't Mr. Lizzie here today?" David passed by the unfamiliar Sierra and greeted Annahi first.

Annahi smiled and said: "My father is going to the hospital today to visit the injured marine expert and ask some questions."

"Ah, I know, the siren you bought from the freak show was lost, and there are still no clues about it yet."

Anaxi glanced at Sera next to her, "Heavy losses."

After a few simple words of condolence, David turned his attention to Sierra. As if she had just remembered it, Annahi immediately began to introduce the people around her, "My sister Sierra, is from Leicestershire."

"Yes, I read the newspaper."

David was about to say a few words of politeness to Sierra when Nelson, who had brown woolen curly hair, suddenly intervened. Annashe smiled and was about to say hello to this friend she hadn't seen for a long time, but the other party walked straight past her.

"Sierra, we meet again." Nelson stood next to Sierra with a friendly look on his face, as if they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Sera said hello out of politeness.

Anna Xi's smile froze, and she said with a half-smile: "So you have met earlier."

Nelson put his arm on Sierra's shoulders familiarly, "I met her in the black slave market, and I was still wondering which little angel this was."

It's normal for mermaids to eat human flesh, don't be afraid, just change your shares if you are afraid.

This is similar to a carnivorous shark eating small fish~

Not as beautiful as in fairy tales.

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