Sierra twitched the corners of her lips, "You don't have to make the decision on my marriage, and I never count on you. You'd better take care of Anna Xi when you have time."

She straightened her back and turned around, leaving the restaurant without looking back.

The relationship between father and daughter, which had just warmed up a little, was now frozen to the freezing point.

Lizzie put down the tableware angrily and lost her appetite.

At night after a heavy rain, the air that pours in when you open the window is always very fresh, and Wally's climate always rains continuously and the vegetation is lush.

Sierra lay at the window and glanced at the black pearl-colored night sky. The woods in the distance were a shadow darker than the sky.

The lights in the manor went out one after another until the lights in the servant's room disappeared. She calculated that the time was almost up, quietly opened the door and exited the bedroom, heading towards the laboratory.

Luo Xied in the water tank heard the sound of the door lock turning and came out of the water early to wait.

The bars on the top of the water tank had been replaced with stronger ones since he had destroyed them. Unfortunately, the mermaid was still as strong as paper and could be easily destroyed.

"Sierra?" He shouted toward the door.

Sierra came in from behind the door holding only a candle. The candle swayed in the breeze, and the small area of ​​warm light illuminated the girl's face tenderly in the dark night.

"Keep your voice down."

She put the candlestick on the windowsill, rolled up the sleeves of her ruffled nightgown, moved the ladder to the water tank, exhaled and raised her head and said, "Can you come down by yourself? I'll catch you below."

Luo Xied looked at the petite girl opening her arms to him from below, and the light brown hair scattered behind her was imprinted with a layer of pale gold by the not dazzling candlelight.

She was like the only ray of light blooming in the cage at this moment.

Luo Xied got out of the fence and leaned down. His black tail fin swung and jumped out of the water. He jumped from mid-air to the girl on the ground who was waiting for him to embrace.


After a muffled sound of the fish's tail slapping against the ground, the mermaid hugged Sera who was standing on the ground. The moment he threw her down, he turned over and smashed his back onto the ground.

The embrace full of water vapor, the cold and smooth body was close to her body.

Sierra fell onto his chest, her hands on the sides of his head.

Looking at the smile on this magnificent face so close to her, her heart trembled, "I thought you would use your fish tail to step down the ladder."

"You must be thinking that the scene will be funny." Luo Xied raised his hand to twist the hair that was scattered around her face behind her ears, but there were still a few disobedient strands of long hair falling on his cheeks.

Looking at the pair of lake-blue eyes that were about to suck her in, Sierra smiled softly, "Well, I thought you would perform acrobatics for me."

"Next time, I will come down." He said in a low voice, as if it was a promise to her.

Sera's heart suddenly jumped. The mermaid lying on the ground put his webbed paws on the ground and sat up together with the girl who was sitting on his waist.

She slid down to his tail, and was caught back in time by a pair of arms.

The moonlight peeked out from the clouds at some point, and its silvery light passed through the glass windows, dispelling more darkness in the room.

"The car will pick us up soon and take us to the port." Sera stretched out her palm and put it on Luo Xied's smooth chest, stared at his chest and said softly: "I asked my friends to rent a boat, and they will pull you away. coastal."

"It's time for you to go home." She was a little reluctant.

The mermaid in front of him was silent for a while, then his webbed hands touched the side of her neck and held her face.

"There are countless jewels and silks on Shakui Island. It is far away from all dangers and disputes in the world. Come with me, Sera."

It is full of seductive sounds, every beautiful syllable is played to the extreme, and a small number of people who cannot understand the unique language of the mermaid tribe are also added.

Except for Luo Xied, all the gloomy scenes in front of him have changed.

Serra felt the beautiful scenery and sea breeze there, as well as countless shipwreck jewels from the dream catcher woven by the mermaid.

She was pulled into the illusion by his voice, and her pretty face gradually revealed a look of yearning.


Her hazy eyes swayed.

"Locide, I won't go with you."

Sierra gently pressed her forehead against his chin and said in a daze: "What I need is never jewelry and satin. You don't have to show me those mountains of jewelry stacked on the beach to tempt me."

If she is really a greedy person, then she will definitely take the bait, but unfortunately that is not what she really yearns for.

The mermaid's charm had no complete effect on her.

A disappointed question came from above, "That's not what you want? What do you want?"

what do you want?

Sierra was confused for a moment, "Probably just... survive."

The sound of cars running over the gravel road gradually approached.

She raised her head, her eyes completely clear, "She's here."

Sera climbed off his fishtail and smoothed the wet folds of his skirt, "Wait for me, I'll open the door."

She picked up the candle, walked down the stairs quietly, walked through the dining room to the kitchen and opened the door.

Khalida's car was already waiting there, and besides her there were two muscular people in the car.

"They are all my servants, don't worry." Khalida deliberately lowered her voice with excitement, "Where is your mermaid?"

"Take off your shoes outside, don't leave any traces of dirt on the floor at home, don't make any big noise, and then follow me quietly." Sierra took two steps back.

The two servants who came to help were stunned when they saw the silver-haired mermaid sitting in the laboratory with the moonlight behind her.

Khalida, who had already felt his beauty, managed to regain her consciousness and whispered: "Are you sure you want to release him? Are you really not considering selling him to me? It would be perfect to keep him in a fish pond."

"He eats people." Sera's simple words gave up all of Khalida's thoughts and brought back the two servants who were in a daze.

They assumed a tense posture and cautiously approached the mermaid who was staring at them motionless.

Sera walked over and said, "They are here to send you off, Luxid."

With her soft words of comfort, the merman was lifted up and walked out obediently.

The escape process went smoothly. Under the cover of darkness, they arrived at the port that Khalida had bought in advance.

There was no one here, except for a small boat docked at a corner of the pier that attracted the least attention from the big ship.

The mermaid was carried onto the boat. Sera, who was wearing a thin dress, rubbed her arms and followed her into the boat. After getting on the boat, Khalida even put a blanket on her.

The water near the pier was full of fishing nets, and the boat with only one gas lamp was rowed precariously to the middle of the sea by a servant.

Sera silently held Rocid's hand, and he turned his face sideways and stared at her without saying a word.

Half an hour later, the ship stopped as thick fog spread over the sea.

"It's almost time, you can leave from here." Khalida's servant said.

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