"Miss, what should I do?"

"Put him in the cargo hold. When the cargo is unloaded at the shore, you can unload it as the last unclaimed cargo."

Serra's proposal was once again unanimously approved by several fishermen and crew members. They violently tore off the fishing nets and dragged the exhausted mermaid on the deck. The long black fish tail leaked blood along the damp elm boards.

She stood there for a while, soaked to the skin, then shuddered and turned around to run back.

Serra also remembers that there was a hospital on the Royal Cruise Ship near the D splint, far away from the cabin.

When she took a moment to run there, the newly injured crew member Rudolf was receiving emergency treatment. Two medical staff were disinfecting him, and the only surgeon was questioning the crew members who brought him here.

While no one was paying attention, Sierra quietly opened the glass cabinet near the door and took away the antibacterial drugs and iodophor from inside.

It was already too late to reach the cargo bay again.

A large number of valuable goods transported by wealthy merchants were displayed among them. After walking through one shelf after another and sneezing twice in succession, Sera found the mermaid hidden in the corner.

He was curled up sideways in a wooden bathtub, his hair stuck to his arms and chest, his tail fin spread nearly one meter wide and hanging on the edge, and his black scales were dripping with water.

The sound of rolling waves outside could not be heard in the cargo hold, and Sera cautiously approached him with the medicine in hand.


The face blocked by the silver wire immediately turned around, revealing a sharp mandible. A deep roar came from his throat. The smooth and smooth dorsal fin spines stood up, and a fish tail sunken in the water rolled up to reveal the same explosive hair. Side fins.

The mermaid looked extremely angry, but unfortunately her mouth was taped and her neck was tied with a chain, and her hands were fixed with thick hemp ropes, so she posed no threat to Sera.

She just walked over and unscrewed the iodophor in her hand and stretched it forward in front of him. "You need to disinfect it. Those fishing nets are very dirty."

The black tail fin flapped vigorously, making the fragile barrel likely to crack at any time.

Not expecting any good response from the mermaid, Sera bent over and carefully wiped the wound on his shoulder with a cotton swab dipped in iodine. "It will sting a little."

With her gentle movements, the fragrance of virginity and medicine bloomed on the tip of the mermaid's nose. He tilted his head and lowered his light gray eyelashes.

After feeling no threat, his fierce eyes gradually softened, and his dorsal and side fins, which had been in an upright position, slowly retracted.

Sera, who was highly concentrated, noticed his restraint and breathed out lightly.

The smooth skin of the mermaid feels like a piece of fine silk, and the muscles of the whole body are covered by an indescribable layer of mucous membrane. The cracked wound destroyed this protective film.

She carefully treated the wound on his shoulder, and then moved her eyes to the abdomen soaked in water and connected to the tail.

There is also a transverse wound below the mermaid's navel, the skin and flesh are rolled up, and blood continues to seep out.

The wound was so extensive that Serra determined it was caused by a large fishhook on the boat.

She turned her head to speak, and was caught off guard by a pair of lake-blue eyes that were very close at hand. She subconsciously held her breath, and her heart started to beat loudly.

Has he been staring at her from close range?

Sera lowered her eyes and coughed slightly, "Can you sit on your tail and have some?"

He couldn't speak, he just stared at her in confusion.

"Well, you don't understand human speech."

Sera resignedly placed the medicine on one of the cargo boxes, put her hands into the barrel, and put her warm little hands against the smooth waist of the mermaid, making an upward lifting motion.

"Sit up quickly so I can apply the medicine." Sierra tilted her whole body and almost fell into the barrel. In order to maintain her balance, she broke out into a sweat in the cold night.

The mermaid finally understood what she meant. The tail fin hanging outside the barrel retracted, the majestic fish tail entrenched at the bottom of the water pushed upwards, and the entire upper body surfaced.

The bloody abdomen almost hit Sera's face, and the smell of blood hit her nostrils.

She subconsciously stepped back, just as the ship's hull encountered a small wave and gained momentum, her soles slipped on the waxed floor and she fell forward.


Half of her body fell into the barrel, hanging outside from her buttocks down, and her face gloriously bumped into a slightly raised area on the mermaid's lower abdomen covered with scales.

The mermaid's expression changed slightly as he stood upright. He curled his long tail and instantly rolled Sera, who was hanging upside down on the barrel, into the barrel.


A large amount of water overflowed, and before Sera, who was choked by the water, could resist, her body was wrapped around her slippery tail and lifted out of the water.

She was kneeling in the water with her head raised, and the cold and smooth scales were close to her chest through her skirt.

The mermaid with an upright upper body slowly bent down. The iron chain around his neck limited the distance he had to bend down. His long silver hair fell down onto her face, tangled with her dark brown hair floating on the water.

"Bang bang bang"

Sierra, who was deeply afraid of being bitten, did not dare to move. The only thing that could be heard in the quiet cargo hold was her intense heartbeat.

He lay on her neck and sniffed something, making her whole body tremble slightly.

After a while, the thick black fish tail let go of her and returned to the bottom of the water.

The mermaid didn't hurt her, and even touched her arm with his bound hands, and pointed at her wet belly, which was an obvious hint.

Sierra sat sideways on a section of his sunken tail, shuddered and realized that this was asking her to continue applying the medicine.

She found a place to stay in the bucket, carefully avoiding the mermaid's side fins and stood up, holding on to the edge of the bucket to get the medicine placed on the cargo box.

The wound was about a palm wide, and some areas were soaked and turned white. Sierra stretched out her hand and gently touched around his wound. She didn't notice the merman's eyes becoming darker and darker, and only said seriously: "You are at this level. It needs stitches, and medicine won’t do much.”

She simply sprinkled antibacterial medicine on the wound and sprinkled a little more into the water. She raised her face and said, "Just hold on all night. I'll go find stitches and stitches tomorrow."

He made a series of low grunts from his mouth, and leaned forward towards her, probably asking her to tear off the tape on her mouth.

Sera is still not sure whether his docile appearance at the moment is real or fake, and she doesn't dare to rashly tear off the tape to expose his shark teeth. She is not Anaxi who has the system and the halo of the heroine. She is more precious about her life.

"Not yet." Sierra shook her head and used her hands and feet to climb out of the barrel.

Seeing that it was difficult for her to climb, the mermaid's tail was bent below the buttocks so that she could step on it and jump out.

He stared at Sera's back. The black sleeveless skirt had completely fitted her body, revealing her beautiful body curves.

Feeling the gaze from behind, Sierra lifted up her skirt and squeezed off some of the water, sneezed again, turned around and said softly and pitifully: "I have to go back and change clothes right now. If I get sick, I will be in trouble."

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