Tried to kill him and then it turned into a free breakfast.

Sera blinked, obviously not believing this argument, "Why would a barmaid want to hurt you?"

Rose Hill said indifferently: "Because I am a cancer in the kingdom."

He controls the underground casinos, cyan industries and arms of the Lireni Kingdom, and is called a social cancer by the opponent party.

This adjective is very appropriate.

The sarcasm and disdain in his eyes were seen by Sierra. She thought for a while and only asked, "Do you live in such danger every day? I thought you had everything and lived a comfortable and happy life."

Unexpectedly, she would say that. Rose Hill raised a thick eyebrow and looked at her thoughtfully, "Danger?"

He said playfully: "It is indeed dangerous."

Sierra nodded and said solemnly: "I understand. I will try my best to choose a lucky day when I go out with you in the future."

The girl in front of him had a serious face, her face was tight, and her warm and bright eyes were full of caution. This look once again made Rose Hill laugh without changing her color.

She's funny and radiates attraction from the inside out.

When pure admiration and fun are blessed in a girl, she becomes more emotionally valuable.

The boring black and white life often needs a little color to embellish it, so that it is not too bad.

He asked casually: "You really don't consider working for me?"

Sierra thought for a while, then shook her head cautiously, and said euphemistically: "I don't want to be your secretary or any other profession."

He wouldn't give her the status she wanted.

This sentence swept across the tip of his heart and reached Rose Hill's ears. He was not forcing her.

When the car passed by the hospital, Sierra happened to see Anahi coming out of it, and she quickly said: "I saw my sister."

Rose Hill's destination was not suitable for a fragile human past like hers. He said quietly: "Stop the car."

Anaxi was surrounded by several honey friends. When she saw Sierra getting off the Duke's car, her expression changed slightly, "Sierra, are you and the Duke coming to the hospital?"

Sera shook her head, "Didn't your friend get injured by me? I came to take a look. I happened to meet the Duke on the way and gave me a ride."

The girls around An Xi squatted down and saluted the handsome man in the car, their hearts beating fast.

The chirping girl's inner fantasies made Rose Hill feel irritated. He said to Sera expressionlessly: "I don't like the smell of animals. Keep it clean when I pick you up on the weekend."

Sierra pouted and responded unhappily: "I don't have any taste."

Rose Hill looked calm and said, "Wash clean."

Sierra slammed the car door and made quite a noise.

The man inside didn't care about anything with her, and the old car drove away along the street.

A young lady next to Anaxi asked her tentatively, "Miss Serra, are you familiar with the Duke?"

Sierra looked at Anaxi who was trying her best to hide her emotions, curled her lips and smiled brightly, "He invited me to visit the church in the town on the weekend. We will visit many places in the morning. Didn't Anaxi tell you?"

Several girls shifted their gazes and said, "I didn't say anything."

Anaxi smiled awkwardly, and her pupils retracted in embarrassment, "I am just serving as their guide, not worth mentioning."

Why didn't she mention it? Why don't we just prevent these girls from creating opportunities for chance encounters? Who doesn't want this walking diamond king?

But now it was easy for Sierra to take off the condom, and her smile deepened, "It's really not worth mentioning. Can we go to the freak show tonight?"

"Of course, why not have another companion?" A girl took the lead in showing her kindness, and the grass fell quickly.

Sera hugged Anaxi's arm enthusiastically, "Then let's go shopping together when the time comes."

Although Sera has never set foot on the land of Cambunia County, it does not prevent her from using friendly interactions to get to know all the companions around Anasi.

It would not be wise to antagonize a group of noble ladies just because of her morning pranks. These people will be her 'good partners' in the future.

Seeing her holding a plaid silk scarf in the store and comparing it to herself, Anaxi forced herself to accept it with a smile, and her uneasiness doubled.

She knew very well how deep-seated a woman could be if she pretended to be so. Her mother, Josie, was a good example.

The stepsister who comes to her side will be her most powerful opponent.

It's time to start the night's freak show.

Sera took out a coffee and fish and chips, and drove Annashe's car to the grassland beside the Santa Fe River.

Surprisingly Lizzie and his wife were there too.

Seeing Anna Xi walking over quickly to talk and laugh with her family, Sera, who was left alone by the car, looked a little lonely.

"Sela!" Khalida, the daughter of the president of the Bank of England, suddenly emerged from the crowd, ran to her side and grabbed a small piece of soft fried fish fillet.

"I like the taste of lemon juice with this." She narrowed her eyes in enjoyment.

Sera, who was with her, said gently: "Are you coming to the show too?"



When Sierra passed by Lizzie, she went up to say hello, his face was gloomy.

"Baron Carter's wife called. You injured his daughter this morning, causing her to lose one of her back molars. She is still in the hospital. Why are you still here watching the show?"

Facing the many pairs of quietly watching eyes, Sierra glanced at Qiao Xi, who also had a reproachful face, and said without humility: "That was just an accident."

"Is it an accident that you hit someone with your own hands? Sierra, you have been living outside for so many years and you have neglected discipline." Josie whispered: "First admit your mistake to your father."

Sera stared at her, her eyes half-smiling but not smiling, "In what capacity do you discipline me?"

"Sierra!" Lizzie whispered.

Before the three-party quarrel became more ugly, Khalida hooked Sera's arm in time, took her coffee and took a sip herself, "The show is about to start, let's go in."

Sierra followed her into the show without looking back. Only Anaxi was left outside to persuade her parents in a low voice.

"Have you been tricked by that mistress?" Khalida pulled her to the front row and asked without hesitation.

"My place is in the back," Serra said.

"It doesn't matter. I don't like sitting in the same row as others. I bought the seat at the front."

It’s good to be friends with rich people. Sierra sat down with her in a prime spot at the front and explained: “They were calculated, but not me.”

"Not you?" Khalida turned her head and became interested.

Unsurprisingly, drunk driver Joey will soon have new gossip, and the weekend church trip

Sierra looked towards the stage, her bright face smiling brightly.

"Don't worry, it will never be me who suffers."

Anaxi and her mother both followed the path of little white flowers, so of course she had to follow suit, she couldn't endure a kick in the butt for nothing.

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