The system said before that it will tell itself after the National Academy of Science and Technology manufactures the lithography machine.

This shows that the system should have the ability to monitor at any time.

Now that it has been a few days, the products at the National Academy of Sciences should be almost ready, right?

With the strength of the National Academy of Science and Technology, it was not possible to build one before because of the deliberate technological blockade by the West. But with ready-made manufacturing books available, it should not be too difficult to create an advanced photolithography machine.

Lin Yang thought this way, and the system's answer also confirmed his thoughts.

Answer the host, the lithography machine of the National Academy of Science and Technology has been manufactured and is undergoing the final stage of trial operation. If it runs successfully, the host can complete the second stage of the task.

Already finished? So soon?

Lin Yang was a little surprised when he heard the system said that it had been manufactured.

He thought that it would be enough if he could make only seven or eight, but he didn't expect that it had already been manufactured and was undergoing final debugging and operation.

It seems that I have underestimated the strength of our huge country. Once there is no technical blockade, this manufacturing power is simply invincible!

Lin Yang felt a little proud.

Immediately, he said to the system: I will continue to collect cultural relics, and let me know as soon as the debugging is completed.

He has not been idle in the past few days. He has been traveling around various areas of Kotakajiang trying to collect cultural relics, hoping to complete the mission of returning cultural relics to the country a few more times.

Unfortunately, there are very few cultural relics that meet the requirements elsewhere.

Academy of Sciences.

The current National Academy of Sciences has been closed for several days.

It can be said that without a pass, not even a fly can fly in or out.

There are even two teams temporarily stationed around the Grand Academy of Sciences, patrolling 24 hours a day.

There are also hundreds of ultra-high-definition cameras with night vision functions temporarily installed in the dark to monitor the surrounding situation around the clock without blind spots.

The purpose is to ensure that the information about the lithography machine will not be leaked easily.

In the hospital, all the insiders, led by Zhao Zizhen, had already had all their communication devices taken away.

There are also special signaling instruments that prevent the Academy of Sciences from transmitting information to the outside world.

It can be said that any information currently sent to the outside world in the Academy of Sciences will be monitored by a specially established department.

This kind of control can be said to be extremely strict.

However, no one was dissatisfied with this. On the contrary, everyone was extremely cooperative.

In particular, the academicians who are responsible for the manufacturing part of the photolithography machine hope that no news can disturb them.

Yes, that's right.

The entire manufacturing of photolithography machines was done by these academicians themselves!

After several days of almost sleepless overtime work, the first photolithography machine manufactured according to the manufacturing book was finally completed.

Everyone, now is the time to witness the results of these few days!

Zhao Zizhen spoke excitedly. His eyes were already bloodshot, but they were extremely bright.

Old Zhao, tell me, can this thing really work successfully?

An academician suddenly spoke.

Old Yuan, what do you mean by this? Zhao Zizhen suddenly glared.

It doesn't mean anything. It's just that when things come to an end, it suddenly feels a bit unreal.

The academician just now reached out and touched the lithography machine, his voice trembling slightly: We made this thing ourselves. Logically speaking, I shouldn't have such thoughts, but I can't help it. I'm really scared. If there is even the slightest problem again!”

After the words fell, several other academicians immediately responded: Hey, after Old Man Yuan said this, we also have this idea. We are really scared!

Zhao Zizhen was stunned for a moment, then his eyes flashed, and he said firmly: I can understand your mood at this time, but I can tell you clearly that there will never be any problems with this thing! Absolutely!

Seeing how determined Zhao Zizhen was, Academician Yuan and several other academicians looked at each other and suddenly asked: Old Zhao, we all have a question to ask you.

what is the problem?

Although we have all confirmed that the manufacturing book is genuine from the beginning, we are still a little uneasy in our hearts, but you are the only one who seems to have absolute trust in it from the beginning to the end, especially since the past two days. It feels even worse, we are all curious, why are you not worried at all?

Academician Yuan asked the doubts in his heart on behalf of everyone.

Everyone looked at Zhao Zizhen.

Zhao Zizhen was startled again. It seemed that he did not expect that several other academicians would not ask questions about the lithography machine at this time, but would instead ask him this kind of question. But soon, he smiled and said: I can't say it bluntly, this is a secret. !”

Secret? All the academicians were stunned.

Yes, a secret! Zhao Zizhen said seriously.

He looked at the academicians with subtle eyes.

In fact, he was not worried at first.

However, after learning that the Cultural Heritage Bureau announced that it had received donations of cultural relics from overseas people, he was indeed not worried at all about whether the photolithography machine he manufactured could run successfully.

Although the Cultural Relics Bureau said it was a donation from an anonymous person, he knew that it was definitely the person who donated it.

And this photolithography machine manufacturing book was sent by that person.

Therefore, Zhao Zizhen is now ten thousand times more confident!

The academicians saw that Zhao Zi was really serious and did not ask any more questions.

Zhao Zizhen also had a straight look on his face. He scanned the faces of everyone present and said seriously: Now, start running!

He didn't want to wait any longer.

Following Zhao Zizhen's words, the faces of all the academicians present became serious, and they stared intently at the machine that started running.

One minute, two minutes...

Every minute seemed to slow down at this moment.

Academicians are also becoming increasingly nervous.

The closer to the last moment, the more nervous I become.

Even Zhao Zizhen, who had 100% trust in this, couldn't help but show a hint of nervousness in the last few seconds.

Finally, under the anxious eyes of everyone, the lithography machine was successfully operated!

It's done!

Hahaha, it was a success!!

Great, great!!

Several old academicians could not help but shed tears of excitement.

Although they did not develop the lithography machine by themselves, with this lithography machine in front of them, Shang Xia can no longer be controlled by others in many aspects of scientific research!

These academicians have worked hard all their lives for the progress and development of Shang Xia, so although it was not made through their own efforts, they are equally excited and happy.

Zhao Zizhen also wiped the corners of his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and said to everyone: Everyone has worked hard these days. Now that the lithography machine has been successfully built, everyone should go back and have a good rest. I will go and break the news. Report it!

Zhao Zizhen was very excited.

The photolithography machine has been successfully manufactured, so it is time to make rapid progress in some aspects!

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