A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 87 Solution

As a 5X-level magical creature, the Chimera has a cruel temperament and is extremely powerful. It often requires the cooperation of dozens of adult wizards to successfully subdue it.

Even though the one in front of me is still underage, it is not something that one person can handle.

Snape frowned and stood in front of the little wizards, waving his wand at the huge monster running towards them. All the curtains on both sides of the corridor turned into silvery ropes under his command. They entangled the four huge goat hooves of the Chimera beast, blocking its progress like arms.

The ferocious lion head of the Chimera beast raised its head to the sky and roared, and the mane on the back of its head suddenly exploded with its movements, making it look even more majestic. A ferocious roar roared in the corridor, making people's ears ring.

The ropes entangled around its body angered it even more. It ignored the increasingly widening wounds on its four hooves that were bound by the shackles. It struggled violently, biting the ropes around its body, and stepped heavily on the ground with its hooves. It seemed to make the whole castle tremble.

Those ropes made an overwhelming tearing sound, and they only blocked it for a short moment before being completely torn apart. But as Snape waved his wand sullenly, more ropes wrapped around him, desperately blocking the Chimera's progress.

The angry giant beast opened its mouth and roared, and suddenly and cunningly sprayed a mouthful of scorching flames at Snape. This time the flames came with a more violent impact, like artillery, and the intense high temperature melted the surrounding portraits.

Snape had no choice but to wave his wand in a hurry, and an illusory shield glowing with iron gray appeared in front of him, blocking the oncoming flames. Under the continuous impact of the flames, fine cracks appeared on the hastily summoned shield, and it exploded completely not long after it was supported.

"Armor protection!" Several armor spells blocked Snape's way at the right time, and after a burst of crackling sounds, they barely helped to withstand a little impact.

The Slytherin students rushed toward the common room. Owen and several senior students were at the back, helping the Dean recite a few Iron Armor Charms.

Snape took two steps back following the impact, nodded slightly to Owen and the others, and then continued to chant spells to stop the Chimera beast, fighting and retreating at the same time.

But his obstruction made the Chimera beast completely furious. It bared its fangs at the villain in front of it, and its mane suddenly burst into flames. This giant beast began to move seriously, and all the strength in its body suddenly burst out, and it broke free of the ropes that bound it in an instant. It slightly bent its huge body, and the tail behind it was stretched straight. The whole monster rushed towards it like an arrow with unstoppable momentum, and its speed was unbelievable.

Snape calmly pointed at the ground under his feet with his wand, turning the flat floor into a smooth slope. As the Chimera beast's four hooves paved crazily on the carpet, the long carpet brush The brush slid down the slope, causing the giant beast to still stay in place after running for a long time. Snape took the opportunity to shoot a few curses at the Chimera's head, but most of them were deflected elsewhere.

"Oh, Professor Snape has something." Owen turned his head and saw this scene. He felt that the Chimera beast had become silly and cute for some reason, reminding him of a certain blue cat named Tom.

It has to be said that as a magic master who has made outstanding achievements in the fields of potions and spells, although Snape has difficulty subduing this Chimera, there is still a way to stop it for a while.

At this time, a melodious and melodious singing sound came from far and near. It was unreal, ethereal and mysterious, but it made people feel excited. The panicked students were driven away from their fear and anxiety by the singing, and gradually gained hope and courage.

Snape's solemn expression also relaxed slightly. A fire light ignited beside him, and Dumbledore and his phoenix walked out of the flames. The principal's blue eyes flashed with sharp and angry light. Looking around, he found that the little wizards were only a little bit hurt at most. After being slightly injured, he became soft again.

"Dumbledore is here." Owen stopped and hid behind a pillar with a smile, watching from a distance. Not only him, but many brave little wizards also slowed down. This may be attributed to the song of the phoenix.

Owen saw the golden-red phoenix from a distance. It was as big as a crane, had a long golden tail like a peacock, and had the same golden beak and claws. It looked extremely beautiful. The phoenix hovers in the sky and sings, and its exciting singing makes people's blood rush.

Owen touched his heart, his heart was beating loudly, and a lingering coldness dissipated the excitement. He glanced at the people on the side. Harry's expression was eager to try, as if he wanted to rush over to help with his wand, and the others also looked excited.

"Tsk, if this effect is strengthened, will it become violent?" Owen was still thinking wildly.

The arrival of Dumbledore instantly improved the situation. The Chimera became much more cautious as the phoenix sang. Its blood-red ferocious eyes stared at the phoenix in the sky, and it let out a low moan. Roar.

"Oh, Severus, forgive me for being a little late. I was dealing with a naughty five-legged monster just now." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Oh, Chimera! What a day today. It’s an eye-opener and I think Hagrid will be very happy.”

As he spoke, he slowly waved his wand at the Chimera, and bursts of light and soft voices mixed in with the song of the phoenix, causing the brutal beast in front of him to slowly quiet down. Snape also took out a potion bottle and used his wand to pull out wisps of white mist. The mist penetrated into the Chimera's nostrils, causing it to yawn.

There was no earth-shattering battle. The two professors chanted hypnotic and soothing spells together, and the phoenix's singing gradually became light and erratic. Finally, Dumbledore took a chance and cast a spell, and an inconspicuous white light hit the Chimaira's eyes, causing its body to shake for a while, then it slowly lay on the ground and closed its eyes.

"Let him stay here for now, and let Hagrid handle it later." Dumbledore whispered, "Fortunately, this big guy is still a child, and he looks very weak and tired, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with..."

The two exchanged a few words in low voices. Snape glanced at the students from a distance and left in a hurry. Dumbledore came over with a smile to express his condolences to the young wizards who had experienced a thrilling adventure. He also winked at Harry mischievously: "At Hogwarts, when you are in danger, shout for help." A wise choice indeed.”

Harry's face suddenly turned red, and there was almost smoke coming out of his head. Dumbledore heard it, heard it all... He just wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"I think Madam Pomfrey will be very busy tonight." Dumbledore glanced at a few people floating in the air, then glanced at the jar shaking in Owen's arms, and said with a smile: "As for this little guy, It’s best to give it to Hagrid to look at together.”

Owen nodded and watched Dumbledore grab the phoenix's claws and disappear in a burst of fire.

The little wizards successfully returned to the common room. Everyone who had survived the disaster gathered in the common room and talked loudly about what happened tonight. The noisy sound almost lifted the ceiling.

Some people were in shock, some were frightened, some were excited, and some were restless. Some people were excitedly bragging about the wonderful operation they had just made, and they were talking about how to stop the terrible monster in hindsight. Some people were speculating about who released them. Various conspiracy theories emerged in an endless stream.

Draco said loudly with a dissatisfied look on his face: "I encountered this kind of thing in Hogwarts in my first year. If I had known about this, I should have asked my father to send me to Durmstrang..."

After saying that, he glanced at Harry resentfully and arrogantly: "I don't know that someone dared to recite the Silent Curse to me at Hogwarts, but seeing as how you helped me fight off that annoying... For the sake of the little blue bug, I won't hold you accountable..." Crabbe is still floating in the air.

"Sorry..." Harry said with a grin. He had wanted to say this curse to Draco for a long time!

Owen placed the jar with the bird and snake on the table, attracting a crowd of little wizards to watch. The bold ones carefully fed bugs into the jars and whispered excitedly.

Owen slowly smoothed down the frightened Melete's hair, and absentmindedly responded to the little wizards' inquiries. What happened tonight made him clearly realize that he still had a long way to go on the road of magic, and he also understood his weaknesses more directly, so that he could then supplement his knowledge in a targeted manner.

"Voldemort and Quirrell really caused a big mess. I wonder if there will be any student casualties." He thought divergently, "Speaking of which, will they be kicked out of Hogwart directly after tonight? Right? In that case, my plan will be ruined..."

The noise in the common room continued for a long time. It was not until nightfall that the exhausted little wizards went back to rest.

The lake outside the window is still quiet, like the eternal night, glowing with mysterious light, inducing people to fall into a deep sleep.

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