A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 68 Establishment of Study Group

At the long table by the window in the library, half of Owen's body was bathed in the setting sun in the afternoon. He was holding a copy of "Advanced Charms Principles" with a strange expression and was flipping through it absentmindedly.

This long table was full of people, including Harry, Hermione, and Daphne, as well as Neville who followed Hermione, and Draco who was out of place... The atmosphere was so solid that it was suffocating.

Owen and Daphne were suppressing laughter, Hermione raised her head proudly, Neville clasped his hands in confusion, and Harry was so embarrassed that the soles of his shoes were almost worn through by his own toes. Only Draco sat there calmly, hugging his shoulders. Behind him stood Crabbe and Goyle, looking like gangsters, looking at Hermione and Neville with condescending eyes.

As Draco said, he agreed to follow Harry to meet Hermione Granger...but he didn't say he wanted to apologize. Owen, who had just returned to the lounge, was also dragged here and was watching the show with a smile.

"Well, this is Neville Longbottom." Hermione glanced at Draco disdainfully and introduced in a low voice. Then she looked at Owen and Harry: "Neville is very grateful to you for helping him in the flying lesson last time. He finally decided to work hard and study hard. Although I think it is a bit late, it is not too late to force it. "

Owen looked at the nervous Neville. Under his gaze, Neville straightened his back suddenly like a good student who was called on by a stern professor in class. Even his lips on his round face were slightly moving. Trembling.

During the last flying lesson, Owen's words made Neville realize that he could be relied on and trusted. He began to regain the long-lost confidence and awakened the bravery deep in his heart. He decided to become a truly trustworthy person who could protect others.

Neville looked at Owen nervously, his expression uneasy and a little eager to be acknowledged.

Owen nodded to him gently, feeling that this guy's eyes were very much like those of his loyal fans in his previous life. Alas, goodbye forever, my lovely fans.

Neville relaxed slightly, and then opened the book in front of him with a firm and solemn expression. Even Draco's threatening look became like a spring breeze in his eyes.

Draco, who had been ignored, turned his head angrily and continued to glare at Hermione, ignoring Harry's hint of kicking his legs crazily under the table, his eyes as arrogant as if he saw a slug rolling in the mud.

"Are you that...Hermione Granger?" he drawled, and when he pronounced the name in a strange voice, he glanced down with disgust at the corner of his mouth.

"If you weren't so crippled that you couldn't remember things, if nothing else happened, I would have been called this name." Hermione didn't tolerate him and sneered directly.

Harry wiped his face desperately, his features almost wrinkled together. If he had known that this would be the case, he would never have brought Draco here.

Draco's gray eyes studied Hermione mercilessly, from her messy hair to her pair of oversized front teeth, the expression on his face became increasingly disgusting.

"If I remember correctly, you seem to be getting carried away with your reputation as a 'know-it-all'?" He leaned back on the chair, folded his arms and said slowly, "I know you are a rigid thinker. You are a nerd, showing off like a peacock in every class, and you also like to point fingers at others... Given your background, maybe you think this is something to be proud of?"

As he spoke, his face suddenly twisted as Harry kicked him hard in the calf under the table. He glared at Harry and forced himself to speak without changing his face.

"I also know that you lead your followers around the school like a vulgar nouveau riche all day long. You are arrogant, self-righteous, have eyes in your nostrils, and are so pathetic that you can only find a hint of superiority from your weaker classmates. Feel..." Hermione hugged her shoulders and retorted.

The two of them were going back and forth, just sneering at each other and taunting each other. Harry was pitifully sandwiched between the two of them, trying to reconcile each other like a sandwich biscuit, and finally cast a look at Owen for help.

Owen couldn't help but coughed quietly, gave Harry a look that asked for blessings, and then looked at each other with Daphne, who was sitting opposite him, and blinked in unison.

"...It's better than you. No one can stand your arrogance." Draco's voice became louder.

"Then what else can you do besides calling me daddy?" Hermione stepped on a painful point and glared at him.

"Stop talking!" Harry couldn't help but slap the table.

"The library is not a noisy place, get out! Get out!" Mrs. Pince, the librarian, rushed over with a feather duster and kicked everyone out.

"Oh, if you just came here today to show off that you are not mute, then congratulations, you got what you wanted." Hermione said coldly as she walked quickly outside the library.

"Wait! I don't know what gave you the unrealistic sense of superiority. In order to make you realize the reality, I'm going to duel with you!" Draco raised his slender chin arrogantly, "You should remain in awe. , Granger, some things cannot be provoked and cannot be broken by you."

"Childish!" Hermione turned around and left with her head held high.

"Granger, are you scared?" Draco shouted proudly, "Then apologize to me before I get angry. I can consider forgiving your ignorance."

Hermione paused in her steps, her shoulders shaking with anger. She turned around suddenly and waved the wand in her hand at Draco: "Petrify them all!"

Draco took a step back in fright, and an invisible barrier appeared in front of him, deflecting the sudden spell. Hermione was also stunned for a moment, narrowly dodging the rebounding curse, and the book she was holding fell to the floor.

"Sneak attack! It's really despicable and shameless!" Draco said angrily and proudly. He also took out his wand and shouted loudly: "Stand still and stop!"

"Tarantella!" Hermione's spell followed closely, and the two sparks collided in mid-air and canceled each other out.

Owen pulled Daphne to the side of the corridor and encouraged the two of them with a smile: "Hey, Draco, be careful of the book behind you! Oh, Hermione, your spell is only half an inch off, what a pity... ha Leigh, don't stand there, drag Goyle over here!"

Neville stood beside him, bewildered. Crabbe ran far away like a rabbit, and Goyle was affected by the two people's spell. He was grinning widely, tears squeezing out of his small eyes.

Harry was so anxious that he stamped his feet. He glared angrily at Owen who was fanning the flames, took out his wand and pointed it at Draco, the one who started the trouble: "Expelliarmus!"

Draco's wand flew out of his hand, spinning into Harry's hand. Immediately afterwards, he was hit by Hermione's full-body binding spell. His legs suddenly merged together, and his hands were stiffly held at his sides. He swayed for a while and then fell to the ground, leaving only a pair of angry and panicked eyes. Tickling around.

Looking at Hermione who was still holding her wand, Harry said: "Okay, Hermione...I'm very sorry, I didn't expect this to be the case..."

"There's no need for you to apologize." Hermione retracted her wand angrily, as if she wanted to tear Draco into pieces with her eyes.

At this time, Crabbe, who had run away like a monkey, ran back again, shouting: "Filch is here!"

"Oops, if we are caught, we may be imprisoned until Christmas!" Harry grabbed Draco, who was stiff, and numbed his paws for a moment, "Owen, stop watching the fun!"

"Well, it's actually quite interesting." Owen shrugged and pulled out his wand. In his opinion, it is a trivial matter for children to play and fight, and he can just stand aside and watch the excitement. What a wonderful world it would be if Voldemort only played "Grinning and cheering" when fighting.

"The curse will stop." Owen pointed his wand at Draco, and then tapped Goyle, who was laughing. Draco jumped up from the ground and grinned at Hermione.

"Run!" Harry dragged him and ran.

The eight people walked through the complicated corridors and stairs for a long time. When Filch's cursing voice could no longer be heard, they had time to stop and take a breath.

"Listen, this is not over yet, you're a despicable person who only takes advantage of others' danger!" Draco pointed at Hermione and said provocatively. Then he looked at Harry with great resentment, looking like a resentful woman who had been betrayed: "You actually helped her deal with me? I didn't do anything to feel sorry for you..."

"You rely solely on alchemy items and start trouble without thinking of yourself. You have no right to say such things!" Before Harry could speak, Hermione said tit for tat.

Draco's pale cheeks were slightly red. If it weren't for the alchemy items on his body just now, he would definitely lose. He said slowly: "This is my advantage, and it is a foundation that even you can't match..."

"It's really hard for you to talk so confidently about your incompetence." Hermione sneered.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? I can still beat you without them!" Draco jumped.

"Ah, great. Since you have reached a consensus, why not put your limited energy into unlimited learning!" Owen said seriously, "Knowledge is power. How about we seek common progress in peaceful competition? How about it?"

"Oh! Why not set up a study group," he clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Compete with each other in the fields of wisdom and strength, compete with each other, and promote each other... There is nothing better than this."

Hermione and Draco looked at Owen with question marks on their faces, wondering when they had reached an agreement. But Hermione was not afraid of studying.

"Agreed! If you're scared, you can stay away from me in the future." She said, squinting at Draco.

"Who is afraid of whom!" Draco couldn't possibly give in.

"Look, my suggestion is good, right?" Owen looked at the remaining people playfully.

"Sounds pretty interesting." Daphne said with a bright smile.

Harry nodded numbly, feeling that his peaceful life was gone forever. Neville nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, with a look of excitement and apprehension on his face, like a scumbag among the top students.

"Then I announce that the strongest study group at Hogwarts is established today!" Owen said, raising his right hand.

"That's a stupid name!" others said in unison.

Crabbe and Goyle secretly stuffed sweets into their mouths and nodded in confusion. Poor, helpless, stupid, neglected, but able to eat.

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