A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 62 Reconciliation

No matter it is day or night, the light green lights in the Slytherin common room are always on, and the fire in the fireplace is burning, baking the lounge at the bottom of the lake warm and dry. The lake outside the window is extremely quiet, and from time to time, strange-shaped giants will leisurely pass by, adding a touch of mystery to the place.

Owen put down the spell book in his hand. During this time, he had already learned the entire seventh-grade theory of spells, but he just lacked practice.

With nothing to do, he gently brushed the hair on Melete's back with his fingers, watching with a smirk on his face as her body and ears trembled due to the scratching, and then he almost got scratched by the angry little kitten. .

"Owen, it's time for solitary confinement..." Harry waved his hand like a fly, driving away Draco who was wandering around him annoyingly, and then called him weakly.

"Okay." Owen stuffed Melet, who was unwilling to come down, into his pocket.

The two of them came to Professor Snape's office together. It was a dim room, illuminated green by lights. There were bottles of colorful potions, weird animal and plant specimens and various kinds of things on the shelves. The various medicinal materials fit Snape's impression very well. They need to deal with some troublesome potions ingredients here tonight.

"You might as well slow down and clean up so you don't ruin my medicinal ingredients with your clumsiness. Don't worry about exceeding the time limit. If you really don't have the coordination of your hands and brains, I don't mind letting you stay here all night and ruin it. I’ll feed you the medicinal herbs.”

Snape sat behind his desk with a gloomy look on his face, grading students' papers. He typed a "T" on the sheepskin in his hand without hesitation, and then raised his head and spoke to them lazily. Still the familiar poisonous tongue.

Owen frowned slightly throughout the process, meticulously handling the weird-tasting and disgusting-looking medicinal materials. The greasy and sticky feel made his expression become more and more disgusting.

Snape ignored them and just finished grading his homework, then slowly brewed a pot of potion. The blue liquid slowly rotated in the crucible, and a faint light blue mist slowly rose up, coiling into a double helix shape above the crucible, exuding a sweet smell.

Owen identified the potion based on the information he had researched, but still could not identify the potion. He could only use potion identification methods to judge from the state, smell and shape of the smoke that this should be a powerful treatment. Potions. As for what kind of injury it was treating, he couldn't tell.

"Tax Inhibitor." Sensing Owen's gaze, Snape introduced in a low tone, "It can be used to treat or inhibit most magical injuries, especially the damage caused by black magic."

"I remember I left this kind of potion in your potion shop." He glanced at Owen, and there wasn't much else in his empty eyes.

Owen nodded innocently. He had indeed wandered around the potion shop, but he only knew that the finished Tuckers inhibitor was red, an advanced potion that only a potion master could handle.

"Dumbledore has really been tricked, right? What a sin." He secretly shook his head.

Harry was handling the potion materials on hand while watching Snape's flowing movements. He seemed completely attracted by the mysterious potions science, and his bright emerald green eyes were full of curiosity and inquiry.

Snape's eyes met his from time to time, and his smooth movements became a little slow.

After more than two hours, the two of them finally finished processing the potion materials with weak wrists, and then were driven out of the office mercilessly by Snape.

"I hope you are not complete idiots and don't make the same mistake again, such as getting caught wandering at night..." Snape warned in his smooth tone, and then closed the door with a bang.

After Owen and Harry walked slowly for a while, they suddenly stopped and looked at each other.

"I'm going to the restricted area of ​​the library," Owen said.

"Ah, I happened to want to take a look at the mirror yesterday..." Harry said.

The two waved goodbye and went their separate ways, neither taking Snape's warning to heart. As long as you don't get caught again, it's not a mistake!

Owen read to himself the three-piece set of Night Journey, and sneaked into the forbidden book area without any danger. While flipping through, he used the quick copying spell to copy the books on black magic. He wanted to find out what kind of black magic the Dark Guardian was.

Unfortunately, after being busy for more than an hour, he could not find any relevant description in the book. But what surprised him was that all the black magic books he read seemed to be willing to reveal their true contents for him, which meant that he passed the test magic set in these books... and could be easily recognized by the black magic books. This is a bad sign in Owen's opinion.

Melete suddenly kicked him in the pocket and screamed softly, waking Owen up.

After hearing Filch's patrolling footsteps, he quickly packed up the books he had flipped over on the floor, avoided Filch's probing and returned to the dormitory.

Harry hasn't come back yet. Theodore is doing homework in the lounge. Draco is the only one in the dormitory. He sits at the round table in the center of the dormitory with a serious look on his face. He holds his chin with his hands crossed and stares gloomily at Owen who enters the door.

"What kind of posture are you doing?" Owen gave him a funny look and put his schoolbag on his desk. "Should I remind you that you can't imitate the dean's aura at all, but you are a little cute."

Draco's expression suddenly collapsed. He raised his slender chin with a stinking face, looked at him with disgust and said, "So, why can you still get along with Harry indifferently? Where is your pride?" "

"Then you think we should go with you to find trouble with him?" Owen poured a bowl of milk for Melete with a light movement, smiling as he watched her lick it slowly.

"He should be taught a lesson." Draco said sarcastically, "Or is it because your parents told you that it's best to have a good relationship with Harry Potter that you can let go of your pure-blood nobility and reserve?"

"Draco, did you make friends with Harry because of your father's request? Just as an investment in his future?" Owen just asked casually, "If that's the case, since the three views are different, You can just stay away from him, otherwise even if you barely make friends with him, it will be difficult to get the benefits you want."

"That's not what I want to talk about!" Draco jumped up angrily.

Owen stared deeply into his eyes and suddenly laughed: "I understand, you still really want to make friends." No matter how thoughtful a child of this age is, his thoughts are still simpler after all.

"No!" Draco retorted instantly, glaring at him with gray eyes.

"Well, since you really want to make friends, you have to adapt and compromise with each other, and seek mutual agreement in conflicts." Owen nodded casually, "For example, you must learn to apologize when you make a mistake."

"You mean I made a mistake?" Draco drawled.

"In general." Owen held his chin and thought for a moment, then said, "First of all, I don't think it's a decent thing for you to bully your classmates in flying class, Draco. After all, Longbottom also came from the same reason. An ancient family should treat him with the most basic courtesy and respect, right?"

"I didn't bully Longbottom, I just looked down on him." Draco's gray eyes rolled, "If he wasn't so stupid, I might still have the heart to beat him up. That would be called bullying."

"Even if you don't think so, in the eyes of others, ridiculing and hiding other people's things is itself a kind of bullying." Owen shook his head, "Targeting weak people is bullying. Targeting strong people is called courage. challenges.”

"That's stupid." Draco pursed his lips in disdain, but his expression was thoughtful.

The heroes see the same thing... Owen raised his eyebrows. This guy is actually very smart, and he deserves to be a real Slytherin.

Draco turned to another topic: "The important thing is not this, but... don't think I don't know that you were in the library with that little muddy man named Granger..."

"Tsk, don't say that word." Owen made a "shh" gesture, "It's too rude. Only those cursing bums would say that."

"As for this question... I don't want to say too much." He smoothed his hair and showed a decent smile, "But I want to ask you, where does the nobility of a pure-blood family come from? Bloodline?"

"Isn't it?" Draco raised his head proudly.

"Of course not. In fact, if you and I trace our ancestors back eight or nine generations, we all have a history of intermarriage with Muggle-born wizards and even Muggles." Owen said lazily, "Don't you know these things? It means it doesn’t exist, it’s just that your father didn’t tell you.”

"The nobility and glory of a pure-blood family has never been due to blood, but to the deep heritage brought by a long inheritance. It is the powerful power, the power they control and the wealth accumulated from generation to generation. Among them, strength and wisdom are the ones who protect the power and wealth. The foundation." Owen looked deeply at the faintly reflecting lake outside the window, and spoke lightly of the essence of what he saw.

"It is a pity that nowadays, there are very few pure-blood families who still control these. In this era, anyone can increase their wisdom and gain strength through hard work, and can also control power and wealth... Our origins are just It just gives us a higher starting point, and we may be surpassed at any time.”

Draco frowned with repulsion, wanting to refute, but didn't know where to start.

"Except for this sense of superiority, what else can you use to laugh at Hermione Granger?" Owen looked at him with unfathomable eyes, "I think so, if you really feel that your bloodline If you want to be superior, you must at least surpass her in some aspects. For example, magic? Potions? Or memory and magic?"

"Or is your bloodline not enough to make you smarter, better, and more talented in magic than her?" Owen looked at Draco with burning eyes until the other person's face turned ugly.

"If you want to prove the nobility of pure blood, then trample all others under your feet. This is the most convincing method." He smiled, "Otherwise, if we only focus on pure blood without giving it enough connotation... "

"With all due respect, generally speaking, this word only applies to pets."

"This is my point of view. You may disagree, and I have no intention of convincing you." Owen spread his hands and said nonchalantly, "We kids shouldn't think about such profound things. When we grow up, , with flexible standards and lower limits, you will find that no standard is the best option."

After saying that, Owen took a deep breath and walked toward the bathroom with his nightgown in hand. Why would he want to discuss such a problem with a little kid? Sure enough, I ate too much today.

Draco looked at his back silently and slowly sat back on the chair, the expression on his face changing. In fact, he doesn't have a bad heart, it's just that no one has ever told him "You are wrong" since he was a child.

It was an uneventful night, and when Owen planned to visit the Room of Requirement the next day, he was a little surprised to see such a scene.

"Here you go." Draco threw a bag of candies to Harry, raised his chin high and stared straight at the ceiling, "I won't hold you accountable for what you did against me in the flying lesson that day. ”

"Huh?" Harry looked at him with a question mark on his forehead, suspecting that something was wrong in his mind.

"Isn't this enough? I only have one bag of candy left." Draco covered his bag.

"That's not what I meant, I just felt that you...did you take the wrong medicine?" Harry looked at him suspiciously, wondering if he had been replaced by someone else with magic.

"Huh, I'm not such a petty person, even if that matter is revealed." Draco said arrogantly, "I advise you not to be ungrateful."

Harry was choked for a moment, and after a long time he asked tentatively: "What about Hermione?"

"What? You still expect me to submit to a fool...a Muggle-born wizard?" Draco's tone became sharp.

"But I think you should apologize to her." Harry said seriously, silently pushing back the candy in his hand.

Draco narrowed his eyes, stared at him for a moment, rolled his eyes, and said in a charitable tone: "Well, I can barely spare some time to meet her."

Harry breathed a huge sigh of relief and smiled genuinely.

Seeing the gradually harmonious atmosphere between the two, Owen shook his head in amusement, put Melete on his shoulders and walked out of the dormitory.

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