A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 5 Wall Space

As his consciousness sank into his thinking space, Owen pinched his arm, but the touch and pain were very real.

With a thought, he saw himself outside from his thinking space.

This feeling is very strange, as if you are looking down from an inexplicable height. You can clearly see your expression as if you are looking down in deep thought, as well as the people and things nearby.

"What's the use of this?" Owen took out his wand and played with it in his hand. The jet black wand is straight and beautiful, and feels very comfortable in the hand.

Walnut, phoenix tail feather core, twelve and a half inches long.

According to Ollivander, the wand chooses the wizard. This wand is rare and finicky, and will help its chosen wizard overcome obstacles.

Of course, in Owen's opinion, it may be true that this wand is rare. After all, the phoenix tail feather wand core is indeed relatively rare. But being picky...Ollivander said that he chose Owen less than a week after making this wand. Maybe it has great vision...

Owen habitually turned the wand in his hand a few times quickly, then pointed at a dinner plate outside and said: "Yingardim, Leviosa!"

It is no joke to say that I have completed the theoretical knowledge of the first five years, but I only started practicing magic spells not long ago after I got my own wand. If you have ever had the experience of secretly practicing spells as a child and almost blowing yourself up, I believe you will be as cautious when it comes to practicing spells.

Owen's levitating spell was successful, but the dinner plates outside showed no reaction.

"Casting magic spells here cannot affect the outside world, so this is just a space where you can practice magic spells?" Owen thought while holding his chin, staring at the dinner plate outside, and his thoughts moved slightly.

Threads of white mist gathered together and turned into an identical dinner plate that appeared in front of Owen, with several apple pancakes placed on it. But the dinner plate in the outside world has not disappeared.

Owen picked up an apple pie and looked at it for a moment, then took a bite. The soft texture and sweet and sour applesauce taste are very real.

"Things outside can be copied into the thinking space. In this case..."

As soon as Owen thought, the white mist surged, and another dinner plate with apple pie appeared aside, followed by the third and fourth... In the blink of an eye, densely packed dinner plates were placed at his feet. Each one is exactly the same.

"Not only can you copy one." Owen nodded, thinking about making them disappear, and these dinner plates dissipated into white mist one by one. "This function can be used to practice potions and save materials greatly... But for me It doesn’t mean much.”

If he wants to study potions, there is no shortage of materials to practice. Who makes the Shafiq family wealthy and runs a large part of the potions business?

"Wait, what if it's me?" Owen imagined copying himself in his mind, and more white mist gathered, eventually becoming another self. It's just that his eyes in front of him are dull and he doesn't look very smart.

Owen stared at himself in front of him, his mind seemed to be passing through a strange tunnel quickly, and then he found that his consciousness had switched to the opposite side. Looking up, he saw that he was holding a wand in his hand, as if he had lost his soul.

"It seems that I can only stay in one body at the same time, unless I can multitask." Owen looked at his palm, then copied a table knife and made a bloody cut in the palm of his left palm. The feeling of pain was extremely real, red blood slowly flowed out, and blood plum blossoms bloomed on the white ground.

Owen looked at his real self in reality, and there was no wound on his hand. He stared at the scar on his hand and imagined letting it heal. The wound squirmed under the white mist and completely healed.

Then he looked at Harry outside and tried to copy him in. A line of himself suddenly appeared in front of him.

[It is detected that the target has magic power, and connection points need to be consumed...Insufficient connection points, copying failed. 】

Owen touched his chin and muttered to himself: "Do connection points still have such a function?" His eyes turned slightly, and a palm-sized white rabbit appeared at his feet, which he had always kept in his pocket. The muse in.

However, the copied rabbit stood blankly at Owen's feet, its red eyes unblinking, like a vivid rabbit doll, and it remained motionless even if Owen raised his foot to kick it.

If Owen hadn't confirmed that the rabbit could bleed and breathe, he would have thought it was a fake rabbit.

Throwing the copied rabbit into the space, Owen returned to reality. He glanced at the time and nodded slightly: "It seems that the time in the space passes at the same speed as the outside world. Its function is to practice spells and potions. It is a place that can Great place to train anytime, anywhere. No need to go to the Room of Requirement.”

"The most important thing is..." Owen curled his lips eagerly, "The injuries sustained in the space will not affect the outside world. In other words, I can study those dangerous taboo magics inside at will without worrying about hurting myself. . Even, I can copy more of my own body and use it as an...experimental subject."

The thinking space may have other functions that he has not been able to explore, but the abilities he has shown so far are already of great use. Owen nodded with satisfaction. It was not in vain that he had been the broom star for so many years.

However, how powerful the upgraded version of the broom star physique is... To be honest, he has an ominous premonition.

"Thinking space sounds too ugly, why not just call it 'wall space'." Owen changed the name of the space.

As a magic master in his previous life, Owen never lacked the energy to study. While he tirelessly absorbed new magic theories and interesting ideas, he also kept pace with the times and actively created new magic.

He likes to shut himself in his workroom and let his thoughts collide with sparks of inspiration in solitude and silence. This state of forgetting sleep and food often lasts from a few hours to a few days. He loves this feeling of concentration and affection, which he affectionately calls his “wall moment.”

With thinking as the bone and knowledge as the flesh, in the romance called loneliness, sparks of wonderful inspiration are created as the vein, and finally born into an elegant magic poem in the palm of your hand... This is Owen's unique moment of facing the wall.

Wall-facing space and wall-facing moments complement each other.

Unconsciously, the dessert on the table disappeared. Dumbledore stood up again, and the auditorium returned to silence.

Dumbledore emphasized some precautions, such as not entering the Forbidden Forest, not casting magic in the corridors between classes, and of course, not entering the corridor on the right on the fourth floor.

Owen looked at Dumbledore thoughtfully, not missing the mischievous look that flashed in his eyes under the half-moon glasses. This is indeed a fishing comment, but are you so sure that Harry will still commit suicide? He is a Slytherin now.

Well, Harry was sorted into Slytherin entirely because of the fragments of Voldemort's soul in his body. At his core, he was still a purebred lion.

"Whatever, I don't plan to participate in Harry Potter's growth game anyway." If he had that time, he might as well delve into the combination of magic and magic.

In the following time, all teachers and students sang the school song together. Owen sang the song to the tune of Ode to Joy with great interest. There was no need to worry about singing out of tune in this messy singing, since everyone was the same anyway.

However, with Professor Snape's gloomy expression, didn't he really want to recite the Death Curse to Dumbledore? If I don’t miss you, just open your mouth.

As if hearing Owen's complaints, Snape glanced in his direction...well, not at him.

The song ended in a blink of an eye, and all the students stood up and walked towards their dormitories amidst the noise.

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