A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 35 Training

The truth fax machine does not know the truth, but it can transmit the answers in other people's minds to another person.

It never lies, but the person who knows the answer may not think of the accurate answer first, or the answer that person knows is wrong, so it can lie passively.

For example, for Harry's special power, Dumbledore would obviously answer that it was "love" and came from his mother's sacrifice spell. But the first thing Owen thought of was the halo of the protagonist. Having watched the plot from a God's perspective, of course he knew how many desperate things Harry had done. If it hadn't been for the protagonist, he would have died long ago!

You know, the sacrifice spell can only protect Harry from being killed by Voldemort himself. At most, it can have the effect of not being found by the enemy when he is around his blood relatives. If it could protect Harry from anyone, then Dumbledore wouldn't have to plan everything so carefully and could just take the savior and rush into the Death Eater's base camp to open the unparalleled one.

But here comes the question, why does the truth fax machine transmit the thoughts in Owen's head and not Dumbledore's? It stands to reason that Dumbledore's answer is closest to the truth!

This is also Owen's doubt at this time.

"Is it because Dumbledore is too powerful and the fax machine gave up? Or..." Owen closed his eyes and thought, then suddenly opened them, and a ray of light flashed in his dark eyes, "Occlumency! "

"If it really represents the thoughts in other people's heads, then Occlumency is likely to be useful for it!" Owen couldn't help but tighten his quilt.

He studied Occlumency for a week and found that he had a good talent in this area, and his practice was progressing smoothly so far. If you want to be able to hide it from Dumbledore and Voldemort... you probably need to practice for a few more years.

"I don't know how far it takes to hide from the fax machine, and there's no way to prove it." Owen narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought of the key, "Wait, can the space facing the wall block this kind of prying eyes?"

Whenever Owen enters the wall-facing space, his external body is in an unconscious state. In this case, it is like he has shut his mind into a closed space, which is similar to Occlumency.

Owen will never forget that before he called this white space wall space, its name was actually thinking space!

"The question now is whether the barrier in the wall-facing space can block the detection of the fax machine... But this cannot be proven, and we can only treat it as a dead horse."

"In this case, during the two hours when the fax machine appears every night, I can stay in the wall space and wait for news from the ghost. In fact, I used to pass the time like this before, but I would also go out to sleep for a while."

"I just hope that the fax machine can search and transmit the answers in other people's minds in real time, instead of collecting and storing all the information in other people's minds earlier... The probability of this should be low, otherwise this function would be too outrageous ”

Thinking of this, Owen's solemn expression turned lazy again. Now that he has thought of a method that is likely to work, he can just do it. Even if it is useless in the end, at least he is doing his best to obey fate.

Anyway, his mentality has always been very good. There are always more solutions than difficulties. Even if everything collapses and is rebuilt, it's not a big problem, and he doesn't even need to think about it.

"Hey, actually I don't need to worry too much. After all, the fax machine can only give one answer to one person a year. So, even if people like Voldemort or Dumbledore find it, they will only get the answers to one or two questions at most... And There is still a lot I know and a lot I don’t know, not to mention that some questions have no answers.”

Owen relaxedly laid on the bed with his hands on the back of his head and yawned loudly. Only then did he hear Harry calling him, but he was distracted and didn't hear it.

"Owen? Do you know what this means?" Harry asked expectantly.

Owen said lazily: "I don't know, but I think... the protagonist, maybe the protagonist in a fairy tale, novel or opera?"

"Harry, according to the fax machine, you may be the protagonist in some story. The child of destiny who is destined to save the world, just like King Arthur who pulled out the sword in the stone, and you will also get Merlin. The legendary figure guides and assists, and finally reaches the pinnacle of life and so on..." Owen said with a hint of joking in his tone.

"What have you been thinking about all day..." Harry said speechlessly, "I'm sure I was tricked by that damn fax machine, and Draco and I are still in solitary confinement for this! If I Who is the protagonist? The story will definitely not develop like this, right?"

"You can't say for sure, maybe he is the protagonist of the story about the abuse of the master?" Owen shook his head in a playful manner and said in a pitiful tone, "This kind of protagonist is doomed to have a miserable life, constantly losing everything, and there is a high probability that he will have to sacrifice himself in the end. sky……"

"Come on, if I were this kind of character, the first person to sacrifice to heaven might be you." Harry said angrily, "The protagonist and so on, it's a lie at first sight."

"Not necessarily. Everyone is the protagonist in their own life. Everyone's life is a poem that may be wonderful or long and monotonous, but unique." Owen said softly, his voice echoing with the quiet undulating lake outside the window. In response, it was like a soft song coming from the depths of the black lake.

"Excellent. All I know now is that I'd be a fool if I went looking for that fax machine again!" Harry threw his wand carelessly on the table.

"Wise choice." Owen said sleepily, closing his eyes.

Time passed slowly but surely, and in a blink of an eye, it was already the next week.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Quirrell was still stuttering while reading from the textbook, and the smell of garlic in the classroom became even stronger. Owen was sitting in the back row with his eyes closed, contemplating several problems encountered in the process of learning Occlumency.

Quirrell's Defense Against the Dark Arts course did not involve the learning of any spells at all. The students spent most of the time distracted in boredom, listening to each other read the methods of expelling dark creatures from the textbook. A small part of the time was used by the students to make fun of Quirrell, and then everyone cheered up together to appreciate the way the other party was speechless when asked and still holding back his neck to pretend to be stupid. This was one of the few interesting things in this class. .

"I said, Owen, aren't you very good at discovering the strengths of professors and getting the appreciation of each professor?" Blaise poked Owen's arm with his elbow, "Why don't you stand up in front of Professor Quirrell?" Have you used it? Sure enough, even you can't find any shining points in him, right?"

"Well, at least he seems pretty easy-going and allows us to be distracted and noisy in his class." Owen didn't even open his eyes.

"Come on, he just can't control us." Blaise shrugged, "Look, even you hate him, so what a failure he is."

"You talk as if I like everyone..." Owen glanced at him.

"Can you still find someone you hate in Hogwarts?" Daphne added with a smile, with a teasing look, "You can even talk to Filch, and you can even get close to his cat. …”

"I just like to think about things from another angle." Owen's lips curled up slightly and he said in a lively tone, "I've always been good at distinguishing between friends and foes, and even better at turning enemies into friends."

After saying a few words to the two of them, he entered the wall-facing space, where he brutally trained Occlumency.

If he had to train step by step, it would take several years for Irving to barely pass the test, so he chose the crudest method, tossing his brain in the space facing the wall.

After careful enough testing, Owen confirmed that any damage he suffered in the wall-facing space would not be brought to the outside world, whether it was physical or mental. As for the soul, he can't reach that level yet. There are not many spells that can affect the soul, and they are extremely profound.

Even if he blows up his head in the wall-facing space and turns himself into an idiot, he will just return to his body instantly. Essentially, he will not be harmed at all, and will only be more mentally tired.

In fact, even the fatigue caused by him practicing magic spells in the wall-facing space will not be brought outside. When Owen felt tired after returning, it was because he stayed in the wall-facing space for a long time.

Staying in the wall space requires mental strength, which is something Irving has finally confirmed these days. In exchange, all his states in the wall-facing space, whether positive or negative, have nothing to do with his own body.

At this time, Owen was roughly using Occlumency to stir up his memories, trying to force them into various shapes according to his own wishes. Doing this can be very effective in accumulating experience, but the price is the stinging sensation of the brain being mixed into a paste, the trance in the depths of the mind, and some terrible sense of absence... If it were not in the wall-facing space, it would definitely become idiot!

It stands to reason that learning Occlumency needs to be gradual, a gentle and stable process. The wizard eliminates his emotions, closes his mind, controls his thoughts, and shows his false self to the outside world. In the process, he slowly builds the brain's defense barrier against the outside world.

After practicing to a high level, this barrier can be manipulated at will, building a complex maze to protect one's thoughts and memories, and exclude all intrusions from the outside world. Even true masters can construct false emotions, memories and thoughts to show to outsiders, just like autonomous schizophrenia, but completely under their own control.

Therefore, Occlumency can not only be used to fight Legilimency, it can completely invalidate memory magic such as the Forgetting Spell, making it impossible for the Forgetting Spell to penetrate the brain's defense barrier, or just allowing it to clear false memories. .

Owen was messing around in his brain for a long time, and then he opened his eyes, which were a little dazed and lifeless, and returned to his true form in an instant, refreshing his state.

He shook his head to drive away the mental fatigue, and then wrote down new insights in his notebook.

After writing down his gains, Owen tapped his quill tip on the notebook again and again, and then wrote:

"Although this rough practice method has made my Occlumency level improve by leaps and bounds, it is still not enough to cope with the current predicament. Perhaps, based on the ability to copy my own characteristics in the wall-facing space, I can transfer key memories to when needed. Where the copy is, let it reside in the wall-facing space..."

"If the wall-facing space is my thinking space, then it should be equivalent to a safe house of memory. However, the safety of this behavior is unknown and needs to be used with caution."

"The current response methods are sufficient, and there is no need to go any further."

As he wrote this, Owen stopped writing, and the bell just rang outside.

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