A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 33 Rumors about Hogwarts

Campus life at Hogwarts is generally calm and peaceful, just like the weather in September. Although it is windy and rainy at times, it is always mild and pleasant.

Two weeks passed in such a leisurely manner. For Owen, except for the fact that Gryffindor, who was annoyed by him, would secretly trip him up from time to time, everything was so calm...well... , even there is no news about the truth fax machine.

Enthusiastic ghosts did try hard to help him find it, but after finding traces of the fax machine twice within a limited period, they were preempted by someone on the way to notify Irving to rush over.

The Mantra Fax Machine always seems to be in a location where someone can find it, even if that location is very remote. This led Owen to wonder if it had some prophetic power.

When the fax machine was discovered in the Forbidden Forest by the Weasley twins, Owen gave up all hope of finding it on his own. Therefore, he spent most of his time in a remote small room next to the auditorium reading books or practicing spells every night, waiting for news from the ghosts.

He also thought about posting a reward among the students to find the fax machine. After all, he had a lot of pocket money, but that would attract too much attention. The situation is messy enough, and in Owen's opinion, Golden Galleons may really be no more attractive than an answer in the eyes of many young wizards.

Especially as time goes by, the legend of the fax machine becomes popular among students, and more and more people are willing to believe that it really exists. There are many more little wizards wandering at night, which makes Owen's search even more difficult. many. Of course, it was also a challenge for Mr. Filch.

Recently, as one little wizard wandering at night has been arrested one after another, Mr. Filch is always in an extremely excited state. He began to frequently apply to the principal, hoping that the school would agree to let him hang students who violated school rules with iron chains from the ceiling of his office and whip them several times. In his opinion, conventional punishment methods can no longer deter these little things.

His proposal was naturally rejected by Dumbledore with a smile. Professor Snape took advantage of the opportunity and suggested that the prefects of each house help catch the students who wandered at night. Of course, he arranged the Slytherin prefects in Gleneagles. Near the Findor Common Room, the Gryffindor prefects were wandering around the dungeons, as were the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs.

As soon as this proposal was passed, the little wizards became more at ease, and the scores that were falling in each college... fell more gently.

Of course, many people are going crazy about this, such as Miss Hermione Granger. She tried her best to add points in class but failed to slow down the trend of Gryffindors losing points and catching up with the last one—— The little lions always get more and more frustrated and never compromise - she was so angry that she pulled out a lot of her hair. Another example is Mr. Percy Weasley, Gryffindor's prefect. He is like a powder keg that explodes when poked.

Owen sincerely hopes that they will look away, but he obviously has no position to say this - after having to use some small curses to fight off some Gryffindor students who came to trouble him, he "Gryffindor Nemesis" The title is almost confirmed, and this is almost becoming the second rumor spread among the young wizards at Hogwarts.

Well, there are a few other rumors, such as why Professor Snape doesn’t want to wash his hair? Is the scarf on Professor Quirrell's head stuffed with garlic? And whether Professor Quirrell is a vampire...

Legend has it that Professor Snape put a magic spell in his hair. Once someone tries to sneak up on him, he will suffer a terrible hair oil attack... Everyone thinks that this rumor comes from Gryffindor.

As a result, Professor Snape wore an already gloomy face all day, and seemed to be saying Avada to everyone at any time. Even Slytherin students would be punished if they made even the smallest mistake in class. Not to mention Gryffindor, their situation in Potions class can only be described as dire.

Legend has it that Professor Quirrell is actually a vampire. Many young wizards can always tell their friends "The Story That Professor Quirrell and the Vampire Must Tell" vividly, as if they have witnessed it with their own eyes.

As for Professor Quirrell's love of garlic? This is obviously his way of confusing everyone! Everyone knows that garlic is like feces to vampires, so he filled his classroom and body with garlic, taking advantage of people's blind spots so that no one would suspect that he was a vampire!

This guess is very reasonable and true. Even many young wizards rarely laugh at Professor Quirrell when they take Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. Many people even look at him with strange admiration in their eyes. After all, poor Professor Quirrell has already made such a big sacrifice in order not to reveal his identity. It would be unsettling for his conscience to laugh at him again!

When Owen heard about this rumor, he laughed outright in the Transfiguration class, causing Professor McGonagall to look over.

"Sorry, Professor." Owen suppressed the smile on his face and waved his wand to turn the button on the table into a lively beetle.

Seeing the satisfied expression on Professor McGonagall's face, Owen took the opportunity to ask: "Professor McGonagall, why can transfiguration transform animate and inanimate things? This beetle does not seem to really have life, but if We turn a beetle into an inanimate button, but why does it stay alive after being transformed back?"

"In the field of transfiguration, all we need to consider is turning one object into another object, without considering whether they are alive." Professor McGonagall nodded, "The button turned into a beetle. In fact, the button turned into a beetle. The form of the beetle exists and moves, and after the beetle turned into a button, it also continued to survive in the form of a button..."

"Transfiguration cannot truly turn an inanimate object into a living object, nor can it truly transform a living creature into an inanimate thing. 'Life' is not within the transformation range of transfiguration, and it will not interfere with the transformation of transfiguration. Movement, and therefore 'life' itself, can be regarded as non-existent in the realm of transfiguration."

Owen's eyes became brighter and brighter. He understood that just changing from one object to another, only the complexity of the structure and the size of the mass and volume would affect the difficulty of the transformation, and it had nothing to do with life or death.

He pointed his wand at the inkpot on the table and waved it gently. The inkpot quickly grew feathers, pulled out its limbs, and turned into a black crow. It screamed "Quack", flapped its wings and flew to Owen's shoulder, preening its feathers.

"Very good, try this again?" Professor McGonagall nodded happily, waved her wand, and summoned a gray-haired mouse from the corner of the classroom.

Owen waved his wand and turned the mouse into a gorgeous golden cup. Then he waved his wand and turned it into a boot, a telescope, and a white bird...

Based on his solid theoretical knowledge and diligent practice, Owen did not expect that he would be the first to master the art of transfiguration. After figuring out a key, his level of transformation began to advance rapidly toward his theoretical level.

"But the Vanishing Curse is an exception?" He looked at Professor McGonagall, "It can turn everything living and inanimate into nothingness, or in other words, everything..."

"That's right, you'd better learn the Transformation Spell first. I think it's not difficult for you, and then you can start practicing the Vanishing Spell." A smile appeared on Professor McGonagall's usually unsmiling face, "The Transformation of You Your artistic talent is outstanding, don’t let it go...my office is open to you at any time, and you are welcome to ask me about anything you don’t understand.”

After she finished speaking, she murmured in a subtle tone: "Of course, it would be better if I didn't stare at the Gryffindor students for bullying..."

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall." Owen maintained a decent smile and added in a low voice, "It would be best if they didn't always chase me..."

Professor McGonagall seemed to smile slightly, and then wandered away.

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